Learning objectives
The course of General Sociology, after introducing students to the reasons that motivated the birth of the discipline, explores the concept of postmodern society and analyzes the conceptual shift from the social identity narrative. In addition, the course focuses on some elements of the methodology of sociological research analyzing qualitative narrative interview some applications.
Requires knowledge of sociology, history and philosophy.
Course unit content
Culture and Civilisation.
The course examines aspects of persistence and change in social processes and is divided into two parts.
The first, institutional, introduces students to the formation, in the history of the concepts of sociology and society is paying particular attention to the relationship between culture and civilization.
The second monographic analyzes the relationship between culture and civilization from the perspective of the future.
Full programme
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I part
Zygmunt Bauman, La scienza della libertà. A cosa serve la sociologia?, Erickson, Trento, 2014.
Alessandro Bosi, Il sentimento del tempo e del luogo, Unicopli, Milano, 2005.
Carlo e Ghila Pancera, Il viandante e lo scíamano. Diario di viaggio e formazione tra le Ande dell'Ecuador, Este Edition, Ferrara, 2013.
II part
Alessandro Bosi, L'identico o della differenza, Unicopli, Milano, 2011.
Pagnotta F. (a cura di), L'età di Internet. Umanità, cultura, educazione, Le Monnier, Firenze, 2013.
Teaching methods
Teaching Methods: The course includes: front lessons, discussions on the topics covered in the lectures, focus group on detailed arguments; moments with laboratory simulations and case studies.
The examination includes discussion of a written essay and an oral examination on the texts indicated during the course and on the topics covered.
Assessment methods and criteria
During the course, the interview and testing laboratory. At the exam, the written and the oral.
Knowledge and understanding (knowledge and understanding) is encouraged and required capacity for analytical understanding of the texts according to criteria of logical rigor and philological. It also requires capacity for synthesis. Overall, knowledge of the topics covered will not be reduced to their repetition, but attitudes highlight the reinterpretation staff realized with appropriate language discipline.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding (applying knowledge and understanding): the knowledge required is not a merely descriptive. The student will demonstrate personal attitudes in the solution of the questions raised. She will develop a critical original locations within the agenda.
Making judgments (making Judgements): Requires independent judgment on the matters proposed and ability to use on their own methods of sociological research proposals. The course calls for students to develop individual judgments and in small groups.
Communication skills (communication skills) will be carried out during the course and required in the exam. The study narrative interview as a technique for qualitative research and simulations to be carried out during lessons in order to learn the use intended to exercise the student's communication skills.
Learning skills (learning skills): The course promotes and evaluates the ability of the student in applying the conceptual routes to the tests of empirical research.
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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