Learning objectives
The knowledge of the main issues of the EU tax law. In addition, the purpose is to investigate about the topics relating to the double taxation and the OECD model convention.
Education manager:
Dott. Pietro Simoni
T. +39 0521 903905
Office E. giurisp.didattica@unipr
Manager E. pietro.simoni@unipr.it
Prof. Emanuele Castelli
E. emanuele.castelli@unipr.it
Prof. Fabio Corigliano
E. fabio.corigliano@unipr.it
Prof. Francesco Mazzacuva
E. francesco.mazzacuva@unipr.it
Prof. Giacomo Degli Antoni
E. giacomo.degliantoni@unipr.it
Prof.ssa Veronica Valenti
E. veronica.valenti@unipr.it
Prof.ssa Laura Pineschi
E. raq.scienzepolitiche@unipr.it
link: studenti tutor