Course organisation

The Master’s degree course in Classical and Modern Philology and Literature (LM-14&15) provides for the following bodies and functions, which are responsible for ensuring the proper functioning of the course.

Course Council

The tasks of the Course Council are governed by the University Teaching Regulations.

The Council is made up of the instructors, the course researchers and a student representative.

Course Quality Assurance Manager (QAM)

Prof. Simone Gibertini | T. +39 0521 906693

The QAM:

  • cooperates with the President of the study course and the Department Director in planning improvement actions and monitors their implementation;
  • monitors the correct performance of teaching activities and support services;
  • informs the President of the study course of any problem concerning the correct performance of teaching activities, also on the basis of students' reports.

> Form for sending reports, complaints, suggestions, appreciations to the QAM

Review Group (RG)

The RG:

  • guides the study course towards the objective of continuous improvement of results
  • manages the self-assessment process, periodically monitoring the course data, detecting strengths and weaknesses and proposing corrective and improvement actions.

Delegates for International Student Mobility

prof.ssa Cristina Carusi (mobilità internazionale ai fini di tirocinio - SMT)
T. +39 0521 032247
E. cristina,

prof. Luca Iori (mobilità internazionale ai fini di studio - SMS)
T. +39 0521 032262


The delegates for international student mobility work in synergy with the International Mobility Commission, which manages student mobility (incoming and outgoing) in relation to all international exchange programmes (Erasmus Plus, Overworld, etc.).

Composition of the Commission

Contact person for students with disabilities, Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) or vulnerable groups

prof. Gualtiero Rota | T. +39 0521 032207


The course contact person for vulnerable groups works in close collaboration with the CAI (Reception and Inclusion Centre) on the reception, care, social integration and rights of people with disabilities, Specific Learning Difficulties (SLD), Special Educational Needs (SEN).

Joint Committee of Teachers and Students - CPDS

Each department establishes a Joint Committee of Teachers and Students (CPDS) consisting of one lecturer and one student from each course of study pertaining to the department.

The CPDS is a permanent observatory on teaching activities.

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee consists of:

  • a representation of instructors from the Humanities Degree Course (three-year degree - L-10) and Classical and Modern Philology and Literature Degree Course (master's degree - LM-14&15);
  • representatives from the world of work.

The Steering Committee ensures a constant liaison with the world of business and work, in order to assess the progress of the Study Courses, to draw up proposals for the definition and design of the course catalogue and the learning objectives, and to promote contacts for possible internships of students in companies and institutions.

Composition of the Steering Committee

  • Simone Albonico (Professeur ordinaire, Faculté des lettres - Section d'italien; Université de Lausanne - Switzerland)
  • Chiara Visentin (Scientific Responsible of the Library-Archive "Emilio Sereni" at the Institute A. Cervi - Gattatico, RE)
  • Andrea Capra (Associate Professor (Reader), Department of Classics and Ancient History Durham University, UK)
  • Grazia Maria De Rubeis (Director of the Biblioteca Ariostea, Ferrara)
  • Leonardo Ferrari (Professor in Greek and Latin, Liceo classico e linguistico 'Romagnosi' - Parma)
  • Carlo Alberto Gemignani (Member of the BoD of Classical and Modern Philology and Literature - Delegate for career guidance [L-10])
  • Marco Gentile (President of the degree course of Humanities, Secretary of the Steering Committee)
  • Serena Gerboni (Coordinator of International Projects - Cisita SpA - Parma)
  • Sabina Kettmeir (Lawyer and Assistant Director of Franco Maria Ricci Editore)
  • Giovanni Maggiali (Expert System - Modena)
  • Silvia Parmigiani (Founder & Ceo - TESSA - Relation Design S.r.l - Milan)
  • Giada Pellegrini (Municipal Museums of Reggio Emilia)
  • Gualtiero Rota (President of the degree course of Classical and Modern  Philology and Literature, President of the Steering Committee)
  • Cristina Travanini (Foundation of Religious Sciences - Bologna)
  • Francesca Ziveri (Conservatory 'Arrigo Boito' - Parma)