Course presentation

The Bachelor of Arts (class L-10) offers a solid foundation of knowledge and skills at post-secondary level in the fields of Italian literature and classical literature, linguistics, history and geography, archaeology and digital humanities.

Curricula and course units

The programme of study of the course provides for a common training path for all students dedicated to the fundamental course units of literary, linguistic, philological, historical and geographical culture.

In addition to this common pathway, which covers 90 ECTS credits out of the 180 ECTS credits required for a degree, students can choose from four different courses (curricula) focusing on:

  • literatures and civilisations of the classical world (classical and archaeological curriculum);
  • literatures and civilisations of the modern world (modern curriculum);
  • historical disciplines (historical curriculum);
  • disciplines and methodologies of the digital humanities (digital humanities curriculum).  

The course of study is also supplemented by a wide range of course units that students can choose according to their interests and objectives in order to complete and enrich their education, also with a view to continuing their studies in Master's degree courses. This range of possibilities includes linguistic and philological disciplines in the classical sphere, course units of Romance philology and Italian philology, more specific course units in the literary and historical spheres, language didactics and theory of literature, librarianship, philosophical and political-sociological disciplines, archaeological and art-historical studies, musicological studies.

The course is completed by 12 ECTS credits to be completed in disciplines of the student's choice, a language proficiency in English or French (level B1), a 150-hour internship and the final examination, which consists of the discussion of a written paper (dissertation).

Thanks to the knowledge and skills acquired in the Humanities course, students can find employment opportunities in specific job sectors or continue their education with a Master’s degree course.

Teaching activities and blended course units

The teaching activities of the course, organised on a semester-by-semester basis according to the Departmental teaching calendar, consist of classes, tutorials, workshops and other seminar-type activities.
Some course units in the training pathway make use of a blended teaching delivery methodology, integrating face-to-face and distance learning modes. Specifically, blended course units use a specially developed technological environment (platform) for the delivery of e-learning content and for the management of teaching activities both in synchronous mode with respect to traditional classes and in deferred mode.
These activities, which vary from course unit to course unit, include
video-conference classes recorded and archived for deferred use;
multimedia classes realised through the innovative tools that the distance learning platform allows (e.g. video recordings of classes and seminars, interactive distance learning classes, SCORM packages of multiple learning content, interactive work activities to be carried out with students such as self-assessments and self-study tests);
interactive communication systems with professors (e.g. thematic discussion forums and continuous communication channels with professors and among the course students themselves);
online student reception.
The training will be carried out in presence to the extent of 100% of the total number of hours and, at the same time, in e-learning mode to the extent of no less than 30% of the total number of hours. The course also makes use of technological and disciplinary tutoring.
All information on blended course units can be found on the relevant page of the website.


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office


Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Dr. Valentina Galeotti
T. +39 0521 034133
Manager E.
Office E.

President of the degree course

Prof. Marco Gentile

Faculty advisor

Prof. Nicola Catelli

Prof. Margherita Centenari

Prof. Simone Gibertini

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Carlo Alberto Gemignani

Referenti per piani di studio e convalide

Prof. Carlo Varotti | Studenti A-L

Prof. Paolo Rinoldi | Studenti M-Z

Erasmus delegates

Prof. Cristina Carusi | Erasmus+ SMT

Prof. Domenico Giuseppe Muscianisi | Erasmus+ SMS

Quality assurance manager

Prof. Paola Volpini


Prof. Giulia Raboni

Tutor students

Dr. Alberto Negri

Dr. Irene Rizzi