Studying abroad

The University of Parma offers all its students various opportunities to foster the development of a real international dimension of university study. From exchanges in Europe through the Erasmus Plus Programme to extra-European mobility with the Overworld Programme and numerous pathways for acquiring a double degree.
Some degree courses, in fact, thanks to the conclusion of international agreements with partner universities, provide the opportunity, at the end of the university course, to obtain a double degree with one or more associated foreign universities.

Programma "Erasmus+"

The Department of Food and Drug participates in the 'Erasmus+' programme with student and teaching staff mobility activities. Exchanges are possible with departments in several European countries including Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, England, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Spain, Turkey, Hungary.
The programme allows students to undertake a study and/or internship period abroad, up to a maximum of twelve months per study cycle, and to receive a financial contribution towards related travel and living expenses. The programme consists of:
1) Erasmus+ Study (SMS) which enables students to carry out part of their studies abroad. Student mobility takes place within the framework of agreements concluded with universities in eligible countries. The Department guarantees the full recognition of training activities (course attendance, examinations, research) carried out abroad with profit and according to what has been agreed in the Learning Agreement, through the use of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).
The programme also allows foreign students enrolled in partner universities to attend course units taught within the Department and take the relevant examinations, with the activities carried out in their home universities being recognised. The Erasmus+ SMS call for applications is usually published during November and applications must be submitted by February/March. Applications are screened by a committee composed of the Coordinator and the Departmental International Mobility Contacts [see below], which makes a selection by March, based on criteria previously indicated in the call for applications. The evaluation criteria may include, for example, motivational aspects, the average mark of the examinations taken and the number of examinations taken, consistency with the educational pathway that the student submits with the application.
2) Erasmus+ Internship (SMT) allows university students at all levels (first, second and third cycle of studies), and at most one year after the student's graduation, to carry out an internship or job placement lasting from 2 to 12 months, in companies active in the labour market or in sectors such as education, training and youth̀ present in one of the countries participating in the Erasmus Plus Programme. The Erasmus+ SMT call for applications is published on the university website (see 'International - opportunities for Italian students'). Applications are screened by the committee composed of the Coordinator and the Departmental International Mobility Contacts, which draws up a ranking list of successful candidates.
Interested parties can apply for one, and only one, of the two lists below:
The candidate proves that he/she has been accepted by a venue (University or Industry) by means of the official letter (Company Agreement Form) according to the facsimile, provided by the Internationalisation - Erasmus and International Home division, which the candidate can acquire in original or fax or scanned in PDF format by e-mail. In the event that candidates have submitted two official letters in their application and are successful in both locations, they must choose only one of the two destinations, being aware that the two different locations may be associated with different grant amounts, as indicated on the notice

The list is made up of candidates who express a preference for one of the opportunities proposed by the Internationalisation - Erasmus and International Home division or by the Department Contact Person. The award of the grant will be subject to acceptance by the host institution, which will assess the candidate's dossier (CV and motivational letter in the foreign language and any other attachments).
Students enrolled in the single-cycle degree courses in Pharmacy and in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology can carry out part of their pharmacy internship (maximum 3 months) in a pharmacy in one of the member states of the European Community by applying under the Erasmus+ SMT call.
Students enrolled in the First-cycle Degree Programme in Gastronomic Science, the First-cycle Degree Programme in Food Science and Technology and the Second-cycle Degree Programme in Food Science and Technology can carry out their internship (as envisaged in the programme of study) at a university or at a company in the sector located in one of the member states of the European Community, by applying under the Erasmus+ SMT call.
General information on Erasmus+ Study

In order to coordinate University and Food and Drug Department activities the International mobility commission has been instituted.

For more detailed info:

Department webpage:

University webpages:


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student Registry Office

E. [] 

Quality Assurance Office

Education Manager

Ms. Caterina Scopelliti

T. +39 0521 905969
Office's mail [didattica.scienzealimenti@unipr] 
Manager's e-mail [caterina.scopelliti@unipr]

Course President

Prof. Cristina Mora

Advising and guidance delegate

Prof. Benedetta Chiancone

Career advising and guidance delegate

Prof.ssa Francesca Bot

Professor/instructor tutors

Prof. Martina Cirlini

Erasmus Delegates

Prof. Andrea Sartori 

Quality Assurance Manager

Prof. Francesca Bot


Prof. Davide Menozzi

Student Tutors

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