Course unit partition: PIACENZA

Academic year 2024/25
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Scienze infermieristiche e tecniche neuro-psichiatriche e riabilitative (MED/48)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
20 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
course unit

Course unit partition: HANDLING

Learning objectives

clinical reasoning:
*general assessment of the patient as a preliminary approach for the correct choice of positioning and assisted movement
*risk factors in manual patient handling
*postural assessment
*planning of rehabilitation setting
*communication and collaboration with the patient
*application of ergonomics concepts
*manual positioning and patient handling techniques based on clinical condition


Knowledge of movement and gesture; notions on pathologies

Course unit content

-general assessment of the patient and clinical reasoning
-ergonomics concepts
-clinical significance of patient positioning
-concept of "assisted movement"
-Manual handling of loads (specific manual strategies and techniques)

Full programme

Concepts of positioning and assisted movement
-prevention of secondary complications due to hypomobility
-Principles of ergonomics and knowledge of risk factors in manual handling of loads
-Clinical assessment of patient
-Specific manual techniques for positioning and manual patient handling
-Knowledge and use of specific devices


Patricia M.Davies: Right in the middle - Emiplegia- Nuovi progressi nel trattamento. Springer.2000
• Patricia M.Davies: Passo dopo passo -Il trattamento integrato dei pazienti con emiplegia-Seconda edizione. Springer.2001
• Patricia M.Davies: Ricominciare-Primi interventi riabilitativi dopo lesione cerebrale di origine traumatica o altra grave lesione cerebrale. Springer.1997
• Boldrini L., De Vito G., Molteni G., Boccardi S.: Epidemiologia delle alterazioni muscolo-scheletriche da sovraccarico biomeccanico del rachide nella movimentazione manuale di pazienti. Med.Lav.1999
• S.Boccardi, A.Lissoni: Chinesiologia III. Società Editrice Universo. Roma

Teaching methods

theoretical practical workshops and exercises
Clinical reasoning and evaluation

Assessment methods and criteria

theoretical and practical examination

Other information

manuality and correct rehabilitative gesture

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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