cod. 1002848

Academic year 2015/16
3° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Sociologia dei processi economici e del lavoro (SPS/09)
Discipline sociologiche
Type of training activity
54 hours
of face-to-face activities
9 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding.
The course aims to provide students with the basic concepts and principles of sociology applied to economic processes, labour and organization, considering the major recent advances that have characterized the frontier areas of research in applied sociology. In particular, the course intends to provide students with fundamental knowledge related to: the knowledge of the socio-economic scenario; knowledge of the changing world of work; the basic knowledge for the possible levels (systemic; inter-organizational; infra-organizational; groups; individual) which can manifest the organizational phenomena and articulated intervention projects aimed at organizational development.

Applying knowledge and understanding.
The student will be able to understand and discuss clearly, through
appropriate arguments, possible proposals and considerations related to
problems and issues of various complexity in the sociological and economic sphere related to issues discussed in the course, such as sociological analysis of international crisis, labour markets trends and organizational phenomena.

Making judgements.
At the end of the course students will have acquired the ability to
critically interpret the main socio-economic events at the center of the national and international debate, also through the collection of data and information from reliable sources, and to interpret the main organizational dynamics.

Communication skills.
Students will be able to communicate their own comments and ideas on
the issues analyzed in the course to various interlocutors effectively and appropriately.

Learning skills
Student will develop a personal method of study and acquire the ability to
undertake, in the most independent way possible, more complex and
through studies, particularly in respect to socio-economic e socio-organizational issues.


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Course unit content

The course is divided into three parts although it is clear continuity along which moves the whole course. The current crisis will be analyzed from multiple perspectives, deepening the reflections and possible paths to overcoming socio-economic, through the scenarios of labour markets trends, to get to providing the main means of introductory theory, analysis and organizational behavior.

Full programme

Part 1 (Sociology of economic processes)
- Socio-cultural analysis of international crisis
- A reading of the multidimensional concept of development
- Analisi di alcune proposte di superamento della crisi
- Ethics, politics and technique for integral development

Part 2 (Sociology of labour)
- The post-industrial context
- Innovation and innovative work
- New jobs and social differences
- The role of disseminating knowledge
- Attractiveness
- Geographical mobility and social mobility
- New labour and human capital

Part 3 (Sociology of organization)
- Introduction to organizational thinking
- The study of the organizational phenomenon in the current socio-economic context
- Fundamentals of theory, analysis and organizational design
- Person, culture, ethics and values in organizations
- The dimensions of organizational behavior (systemic; inter-organizational; intra-organizational; group; individual)
- Models and processes of organizational change and organizational development


Part 1 (Sociology of economic processes)
Magatti M. e Gherardi L., Una nuova prosperità. Quattro vie per una crescita integrale, Feltrinelli, 2014
Part 2 (Sociology of labour)
Moretti E., La nuova geografia del lavoro, Mondadori, 2013
Part 3 (Sociology of organization)
Kreitner R. e Kinicki A., Comportamento organizzativo, Apogeo, 2013
Further readings and connection between the parts of the course will be given in class by the teacher.

Teaching methods

Lectures, seminars and interactive discussions.

Assessment methods and criteria

Written test.
The knowledge and understanding will be assessed with two open questions (each worth 6 points), which ask a short answer that is specifically aimed at verifying the knowledge of the concepts and principles discussed in the course.
The communication skills, the ability to apply the acquired knowledge through appropriate arguments and reflections and the autonomy of judgment will be assessed with two open questions (each worth 9 points), structured on several points which require the articulation of a discourse which integrates different notions acquired during the course in a coherent and logical way.
Learning skills will be assessed on the basis of an assessment across the various answers to the different questions of the exam.
Optional integration of up to 3 points of the evaluation through the preparation of a short paper written showing further study on existing literature than a topic previously agreed with the teacher.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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