cod. 1001778

Academic year 2015/16
1° year of course - Second semester
Valentina BERNINI
Academic discipline
Microbiologia agraria (AGR/16)
Discipline delle tecnologie alimentari
Type of training activity
50 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: -
course unit


Learning objectives

Aim of the course i sto reach knowledge about the main instruments of predictive microbiology. The student ha sto demonstrate a critical analysis of the potential of predictive microbiology , of application fields (new products, shelf life, HACCP, risk analysis). Moreover, it ha sto be able to explain, elaborate and discuss problems associated to food microbiology.
The final goal of this course is to provide the students intellectual tools in order to judge and comprehend the main topics of food predictive microbiology according to the main goals of the Corso di laurea magistrale in Food Science and to microbiological area teaching field


Basic knowledges of microbiology and food microbiology, mathematics and statistics.

Course unit content

The first part of the course concerns about the general concepts of predictive microbiology, the applications in food microbilogy area, models characteristics. in the second part knowledges about primary and secondary models are exhamined. In particolar, about primary models are descrive the kinetics of growth and inactivations, Gompertz equativo, baranyi model, Weibull model. In secondary models, ratkowsky model, experimetal design, polinomial equations. In the last part of the course product and process challenge test are studied, towards practical examples. Moreover, the students will examine cases of applicative researches in predictive microbiology and challenge test field.

Full programme

Concepts of microbiology: the structure of microbial cell; microbial growth, microbial metabolism.
The origins of predictive microbiology, the first models and application fields.
Definitions of primary, secondary and tertiary models. Probabilistic, cinetic, empirical and mechanistic models. Structural and non structural models.
Primary models. Growth modelling (Gompertz equativo, Baranyi model). Survival models (linear, biphasic, Weibull model).
Secondary models. Ratkowsky model. Experimental design. Polynomial equations.
Tertiary model. Use of Combase.
Challenge test: applications to foods and processes.


Fausto Gardini, Eugenio Parente. Manuale di microbiologia predittiva. Concetti e strumenti per l'ecologia microbica quantitativa. Springer Italia
Educational material used during frontal lessons.

Teaching methods

The theoretical topics of the course are explained by means of lectures.
Basis and applications of Predictive microbiology will be dicussed during lessons. The study, elaboration and discussion of specific "study cases (exercises and business cases)" are proposed on the practical parts of the course and could permit to verify the student comprehension and elaboration capacity

Assessment methods and criteria

Specific lessons aimed to assess the state of learning will be carried out at the end of each part of the course. During the course, some lessons will be devoted to student presentation and discussion of "study cases (business cases are discussed as examples of the main theoretical arguments of the course)" useful to understand and verify the state of comprehension and the elaboration capacity reached concerning predictive microbiology application fields.
Final examination will be carried out by a written test, either in form of multiple choices or open questions. The final evaluation will depend on the percentage of correct answers.
"Predictive microbiology" course is a part of "Predictive microbiology and industrial microbiology" course and contribute to 50% of the final evaluation.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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