cod. 1004331

Academic year 2017/18
3° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Storia moderna (M-STO/02)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
12 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The course is designed to:
• provide a structured introduction to the study of modern European history
• develop awareness and understanding of historical processes, such as continuity and change, comparative perspectives and the investigation of historical problems
• provide the methodology required to interpret historical evidence
• equip students to evaluate and interpret historical evidence critically
• promote interest in the concept and discipline of history and its specialisms
• enable students to develop the analytical and communication skills needed to present historical argument orally
• the second part of the course aims to enable students to understand how religion and society were intertwined in Early modern period and how religious issues may affect society


During the lessons and class-activities students must show that they possess linguistic skills in order to conceptualise problems and issues in the appropriate manner by setting up in their expositions hierarchy of values and priorities.

Course unit content

This course offers a broad survey of modern European history from the Renaissance to the Napoleonic wars. It is designed to introduce students to key issues and scholarly debates in the political, religious, social and cultural history as they played out on a local and on a global scale: the Renaissance, the epochal expansion of Europe into the new world, the break-up of Latin Christianity into the competing religious communities, the construction of the modern state, the formation of overseas empires and the coming of capitalism, the Scientific Revolution, the French Revolution. The second part will explore the Protestant Reformation in Germany that was initialized by Martin Luther. The course´s main focus lies on the intellectual and religious dynamics during the era of Martin Luther and on the changes in the fields of religion, politics, economics, science, and art as a demonstrable consequence of the Reformation. Luther´s biography and main theses will be presented as well as the connections between the Humanist movement, the Renaissance, and the Reformation. To this end will be analysed the controversy between Luther and Erasmus on free will.

Full programme

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1)Aurelio Musi, Le vie della modernità, Milano, Sansoni, da utilizzare obbligatoriamente insieme con un atlante storico
2) Un libro a scelta tra i seguenti:
a) Elena Bonora, La Controriforma, Roma-Bari, Laterza
b) Lodovica Braida, Stampa e cultura in Europa, Roma-Bari, Laterza
c) Corrado Vivanti, Le guerer di religione nel Cinquecento, Roma-Bari, Laterza
d) Piero Del Negro, Guerra ed eserciti da Machiavelli a Napoleone, Roma-Bari, Laterza
e) Guido Abbattista, La rivoluzione americana, Roma-Bari, Laterza
f) Mario Infelise, I libri proibiti, Roma-Bari, Laterza
g) Miguel Gotor, Chiesa e santità nell'Italia moderna, Roma-Bari, Laterza

1) Manuale:
1) Manuale:
Aurelio Musi, Le vie della modernità, Milano, Sansoni, da utilizzare obbligatoriamente insieme con un atlante storico
2) Guido Dall'Olio, Martin Lutero, Roma, Carocci
3) Erasmo da Rotterdam, Martin Lutero Libero arbitrio - Servo arbitrio, Torino, Claudiana

Teaching methods

Students are required to attend seminars, to participate in class activities, to complete assigned tasks, and to make class presentations.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral by examination and during the lessons

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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