cod. 08619

Academic year 2018/19
1° year of course - First semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
9 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

The Integrated Course of Biosciences aims to enable students to achieve the following objectives, better specified in the data for the individual learning Modules:
1) Knowledge and understanding of the physical bases that underpin the phenomena studied in other courses of the degree course, or important technologies that more and more frequently accompany the work of the physician, the specialist and the physiotherapist.
2) Knowledge and understanding of basic biostatistics.
3) Knowledge and understanding of the electronic structure of the atom and both inorganic and organic molecules, including macromolecules of biological interest, of the functional role of biomolecules in the cell, seen as basic unit of living matter, of the fundamental aspects of cellular metabolism, and of interconnections between chemistry and biology.
4) Knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of biological sciences and of biological thought, the relationship between structure and function of organisms and the implications of human evolution for biomedical research.
5) Development of the attitude of the student towards independent study and continuous education on the application of physical techniques to physiotherapy and diagnostics and medical therapy.


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Course unit content

The Integrated Course of Biosciences includes the following Modules: Medical Physics, Statistics, Physics Applied to Physical Therapy, Applied Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry.
Given the complex structure of the Integrated Course, which aims to provide an overview of the concepts and principles of various disciplines that constitute the basis of the scientific knowledge for the physiotherapist, for the content detail please see the forms of individual learning Modules.

Full programme

See the forms of single training Modules of Medical Physics, Statistics, Physics Applied to Physical Therapy, Applied Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry.


1) Lectures notes.
2) Bersani, Bettati, Biagi, Capozzi, Feroci, Lepore, Mita, Ortalli, Roberti, Viglino, Vitturi: Fisica biomedica, Ed. Piccin Nuova Libraria (Padova).
3) Scannicchio: Fisica Biomedica, Ed. EdiSES (Napoli).
4) Celasco: Lineamenti di Fisica Medica, Ed. E.C.I.G. (Genova).

1) Stanton A. Glantz : Statistica per discipline Bio-mediche, ed. McGraw-Hill.
2) Sidney Siegel, N. John Castellan Jr.: Statistica non parametrica, ed. McGraw-Hill.
3) Internet links and resources.

1) Solomon et al., Fondamenti di Biologia, Edises
3) CD-Rom: Human Evolution (aula informatica)

M. Samaja, R. Paroni: Chimica e Biochimica, Ed. Piccin Nuova Libraria (Padova)

Teaching methods

The topics contained in the programs of the various Modules will be presented and discussed in an interactive way in the course of classroom lectures. Lectures will be integrated, as appropriate, by individual and group exercises with open access statistical software.

Assessment methods and criteria

The specificity of the objectives of each Module requires that the assessment of the achievement of the goals of the Integrated Course exploits, as appropriate, written examinations with open questions, problems, multiple choice or true-false quizzes, and oral tests.
The Module of Applied Biology also includes a written examination in progress.
The modalities of examination for the different disciplines, specified in detail in the single forms, are optimized for the individual Modules to allow a better assessment of the achievement of the objectives of knowledge and understanding of the contents of the module, ability to apply the acquired knowledge and development of independent judgment.
Tests for individual modules will be contextual, and the overall grade, expressed in thirtieths, will be based on the average of the marks obtained in each examination.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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