cod. 1006672

Academic year 2019/20
2° year of course - Second semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
4 credits
course unit

Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide students with the basics to know and understand the essential elements of the methodology of scientific research in the obstetric field, with focus on ethical and bioethical aspects. It is intended to provide the students with basic knowledge of the technologies available today.
The Medical Statistics module aims to introduce students to the logic of statistical thinking and its application in real practice.
At the end of the course, students must have acquired the ability to apply knowledge and understanding of the elementary aspects of the research methodology using statistical and computer tools; they must be able to demonstrate a critical approach to the ethical aspects of the profession.


Course unit content

IT Elements: Binary System and Boolean Operators, Software, Basic Software and Operating Systems, Application Software. Notes on programs and algorithms.
Elements of statistics: statistical planning and experimental design; Concepts of probability calculation and combinatorial calculation; The main probability distributions; Methods of descriptive statistics; Position (median, median, fashion), variability (variance, standard deviation), coefficient of variation (CV), percentiles and their use; General principles of statistical inflection; Sample distribution, I and II type error, test power and operating curve; Parametric and non-parametric tests.
Research medology: introduction to scientific research, with reference to historical and ethical aspects, reliability of sources, primary and secondary sources. Types of scientific research.
Bibliographic research in major databases.

The Birth of Bioethics as a discipline and its status, Ethics in Bioethics. Being human and human person. Bioethics at the beginning of human life. Bioethics at the end of human life.

Full programme

For the extended program, please refer to the Syllabus of the individual teaching modules


F. D’Agostino-L. Palazzani, Bioetica: nozioni fondamentali, La Scuola 2007
Fain James A. - La ricerca infermieristica. Leggerla, comprenderla e applicarla. McGraw-Hill; Lecture notes and internet resources, handouts and guides available on Elly platform.

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons, computer classroom exercises. Lessons will have an interactive approach with the use of audio-visual media, classroom discussions with students, and group and individual elaborations will be encouraged.

Assessment methods and criteria

In itinere the level of knowledge will be assessed on the basis of the contribution of the individual students during the exercises. The assessment of the achievement of the objectives set out in the module provides for a written test and / or an oral exam on the subjects addressed in the different modules of the Integrated Course.

Other information

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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