cod. 1006051

Academic year 2019/20
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Storia della pedagogia (M-PED/02)
Discipline pedagogiche e metodologico-didattiche
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding: knowledge of an historical outline of the period and its main educational institutions; ability in interconnecting these two aspects.

Applying knowledge and understanding: being able to explain some texts of the given period, using historical-comparative tools.

Making judgements: being able to express opinions with due motivation: this is the main transversal goal of the course.

Communication skills: Ability to explain one's own work in reading and interpretating texts with a correct and appropriate language.

Learning skills: being able to reflect critically on one's own knowledge, in proportion with individual talents.



Course unit content

Course title:
Working on sources. The medical and humanist paradigms in the history of education.

Full programme

See "Contents".



SOURCES (available for download on Google Books):

Plutarco, Opuscoli morali di Plutarco Cheronese (traduttori vari, 1598):
Da studiare: primi due opuscoli (Dell’allevare i figlioli; della maniera con quale debbono dai giovani i poeti esser ascoltati), fino a pagina 48 del libro, pagina 77 del file PDF.

Galeno, Delli mezzi, che si possono tenere per conservarci la sanità (trad. di Giovanni Tarcagnota, 1549):
Da studiare: fino a carta 23 v. del libro, pagina 63 del file PDF.
(precisazione: l'antica numerazione in “carte” contava i fogli, non le pagine. Il numero compare sulle pagine dispari, che distinguiamo con “recto”. Il retro, dove non compare il numero, si chiama “verso”. “Carta 23 v.” significa: “il retro del foglio numerato 23”).

Juan Huarte, Essame degl’ingegni degli huomini per apprender le scienze (trad. di Camillo Camilli,1590):
Da studiare: testi proemiali e primi 5 capitoli; fino a pagina 76 del libro, pagina 97 del file PDF.

Marc Bloch, Apologia della storia o mestiere di storico, Piccola Biblioteca Einaudi.

Teaching methods

Lecture; reading with comments; debate in the classroom; close reading training on selected texts.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral examination (conference-like presentation by the student or conventional exam with text reading and questions).
The passing mark is achieved if the students shows both these accomplishments:
a) Has read thoroughly the compulsory texts and is able to locate them in time and space;
b) Has reflected upon the problems/questions posited in the texts and has tried to give a personal interpretation.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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