cod. 1006289

Academic year 2019/20
1° year of course - First semester
Giuseppina ALLEGRI
Academic discipline
Lingua e letteratura latina (L-FIL-LET/04)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

At the end of the course students are expected to have enriched their cultural background by analysing the relationship between culture, education and society, which is conducted on the classical world.

Knowledge and understanding:
By examining ancient authors' theories on the relation between culture, education and society, students will acquire an awareness of the relevance of cultural values as a tool for political renewal and social life.

Applying knowledge and understanding:
Students will be able to grasp the elements complexity involved in social phenomena, through the commented reading of proposed texts (in translation). They will be able to apply knowledge and comprehension skills within multidisciplinary context

Making judgments:
Students will be able to collect and interpret data to determine autonomous judgements on the topics developed, including cross-cultural and interdisciplinary thinking on cultural and intercultural, scientific and ethical topics connected to the judgements expressed.
Communication skills:
Students will be able to clearly communicate the results of their study, making appropriate links and using appropriate terminology.

Learning skills
Students will acquire learning skills useful to continue studying autonomously and in a self-directed way in lifelong learning education.


No prerequisite
Students who have already acquired credits in the SSD of Language and Latin Literature will have to agree on an integration of the program with the teacher.

Course unit content

Education in the Roman world. The training of the politician.

In the first part of the course we will outline the main features of education in Rome from the archaic age to the imperial age and we will linger over the evolution due to the rhetoric's development and the spread of philosophy. Through the texts's reading (in translation) we will focus on the orator’s training and the relationship between culture, education and society.

Full programme

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The texts will be handed out in class and will be available on Elly.

Recommended text:
H.-I. Marrou, Storia dell'educazione nell'antichità, trad. it., Roma 1994, Nuova edizione rivista e aggiornata a cura di L. Degiovanni, Edizioni Studium, Roma 2016

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons. Students will be encouraged to intervene with discussions on the topics developed.

Assessment methods and criteria

Students will be assessed by an oral examination based on the readings and other material used in the course.
The assessment aims to test:
- proper knowledge and critical understanding of the issues addressed in the course;
- critical and interpretation skills along with the ability to produce personal reinterpretation and interdisciplinary links;
- ability to give proper answers to given questions;
- oral proficiency; correct use of language.

Sufficiency will be achieved if a correct answer is given at least 60% of the answers, in accordance with the other criteria.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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