cod. 1005138

Academic year 2021/22
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Chimica organica (CHIM/06)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
29 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

Students participating in the course will:
- know the principles of NMR spectroscopy (high and low resolution NMR) (knowledge and understanding);
- know the instrument and its operating principle for the acquisition of the different types of spectra (knowledge and understanding);
- understand and be able to analyze NMR spectra of organic molecules present in the food (understanding and applying knowledge);
- be able to evaluate the right NMR experiment for a given specific problem and a particular food matrix (applying knowledge and understanding);
- be able to analyze and explain in a clear way a scientific paper treating with NMR use in the food analysis (understanding and communication skills).


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Course unit content

Nella prima parte del corso viene illustrata la teoria della spettrometria NMR, con cenni sulle caratteristiche degli strumenti e i tipi di esperimenti utilizzati in ambito alimentare.
Segue una trattazione sulla preparazione del campione, con specifico riferimento alle diverse matrici alimentari. Vengono poi introdotti i metodi di analisi dei dati NMR: come avviene l’identificazione delle molecole d’interesse e cenni di analisi statistica multivariata per le applicazioni metabolomiche. La trattazione di questi argomenti è approfondita mediante l’utilizzo di esempi specifici presi dalla letteratura.
Le esercitazioni pratiche consisteranno nella preparazione del campione, acquisizione dello spettro, analisi e interpretazione dei dati.

Full programme

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R. M. SILVERSTEIN, F. WEBSTER, "Identificazione Spettroscopica di Composti Organici", Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano.

A. Spyros, P. Dais
NMR Spectroscopy in Food Analysis
RSC Food Analysis Monographs No. 10
2013, RSC Publishing

A. S. Franca, L. M.L. Nollet
Spectroscopic Methods in Food Analysis
2018, CRC Press
Taylor & Francis Group

Additional teaching material for students:
Pdf files of the lesson slides

Teaching methods

Lessons in class and pratical tutorials.

The slides used by the teacher during the course will be published on Elly.
In the case of new COVID-19 health emergency and new restrictions limiting the access to university buildings, the course will be taught with frontal lessons via mixed in-presence and at-distance modality, or completely at-distance modality. The students will be able to attend the lessons in streaming modality by Teams platform. Moreover, each lesson will be registered and uploaded on Stream (Office365).

Assessment methods and criteria

The student has to write a report on one of he laboratory experiences and it will be discussed in an oral exam.
In the case of a new COVID-related sanitary emergence, the oral examination will proceed by remote, on the Teams platform.

Other information

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