cod. 1007882

Academic year 2021/22
5° year of course - First semester
Francesco DE VANNA
Academic discipline
Filosofia del diritto (IUS/20)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
36 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

All interested students may take this course; however it is addressed in particular to students who are planning to become teacher after the degree.
This course is intended to provide the students with basic knowledge and competence about methods and technologies of law teaching (A 46 legal and economic science), according to the decree 616/2017:

By attending the lectures and/or by studying the e-learning units, the students shall be able to:
1. know some basic concepts concerning overall the teaching, the innovative teaching methods and the learning processes;
2. know some conceptual and epistemological issues concerning legal education;
3. know and analyse the methods used in law teaching;
4. know and analyse some innovative methods and technologies used in law teaching;
5. know and analyse law teaching practices implemented in high school;
6. know and use digital technologies in legal education.


No prerequisite.

Course unit content

- General introduction to teaching: theories and concepts;
- Conceptions of teaching and learning processes;
- Innovative teaching methods;
- The law today as a teaching and learning object: conceptual, epistemological, educational issues;
- Principles, methods and goals for a curriculum in legal education;
- Critical analysis of some teaching methods used in legal education;
- Teaching strategies to improve the understanding and practice of legal language, argumentative skills and expressive ability in legal education;
- The legislation concerning educational goals, competences and achievements of law teaching in high school;
- Analysis of teaching practices implemented by law and economics teachers;
- The role of digital technologies in legal education.

Full programme


The examination shall mainly cover the topics contained in 15 e-learning units available to all students at

The e-learning units are designed in such a way as to be studied autonomously by non attending students and to offer support to attending students. Indeed, the same topics shall be addressed in e-learning units and in the lectures.
The reference text is the following book:
- V. Marzocco, S. Zullo, Th. Casadei, La didattica del diritto. Metodi, strumenti e prospettive, Pacini Giuridica, Pisa 2021, second edition;

Non attending students in view of the examination shall study the e-learning units (introduction, texts, video, images, exercises, tools of self-assessment) and the reference text.

Teaching methods

This is a blended course. The same topics shall be addressed in lectures and in e-learning units, available to all students on Elly.

The e-learning units do not offer merely learning objects but also advices to how study them, exercises and tools of self-assessment available to the students in view of the examination. The lectures shall follow the treatment of the subjects as it is developed in e-learning units.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral examination, consisting of some questions concerning the issues addressed in the lectures and e-learning units (and in the additional textbook, for non attending students).
An "inverted cone" structure will be followed, from general questions to more specific and detailed ones. The questions will test the factual knowledge of the student and his/her conceptual analysis ability ("reasoning" questions).
A maximum of 6 questions will be asked.
An average examination lasts about 30 minutes.

Other information