cod. 1000538

Academic year 2010/11
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Lingua e letteratura greca (L-FIL-LET/02)
Filologia, linguistica e letteratura
Type of training activity
40 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit
in - - -

Learning objectives

The student will acquire well-round knowledge regarding the Greek language and grammar; he/she will be prompted to becoming acquainted with Greek language; he/she will develop the skill required to read critical editions of Greek texts; the student will become acquainted with bibliographical and linguistic sources.


Good knowledge of Greek language and Greek literature is recommended prerequisite for the course.

Course unit content

Archilochus’ elegy.

Full programme

A) reading, translations and commentary on Greek elegy (original text and translation): a selection of Archilochus’ fragments.
B)1) knowledge of the historical grammar and Greek language; b) Greek lyric poetry (original text and translation): a selection of fragments (Archilochus, Hipponax, Sappho, Alcaeus, Anacreon).


A) M.L. West, Iambi et elegi Graeci ante Alexandrum cantati, Oxonii, I-II, 19892-19922; A. Nicolosi, Ipponatte, Epodi di Strasburgo. Archiloco, Epodi di Colonia (con un’appendice su P. Oxy. 4708), Bologna (Pátron) 2007; G. Burzacchini, Lyra conversa, Bologna (Pàtron) 2009.
B) 1) A Greek grammar; D. Pieraccioni, Morfologia storica della lingua greca, Messina-Firenze (D’Anna) 1975; L. Heilmann, Grammatica storica della lingua greca, in Enciclopedia Classica, sez. 2, vol. V, tomo III, Torino (SEI) 1963; P. Chantraine, Morphologie historique du grec, Paris (Klincksieck) 19673 (19451). Are recommended: O. Longo, Elementi di grammatica storica e dialettologia greca, Padova (Cleup) 1985; Y. Duhoux, Introduzione alla dialettologia greca antica, Bari (Levante Editori) 1986 e K. Strunk, Dal miceneo al greco classico, in AA.VV., Introduzione alla filologia greca, dir. H.-G. Nesselrath, Roma (SEI) 2004, 169ss.; 2) E. Degani, Ipponatte. Frammenti, Bologna (Pàtron) 2007; E. Degani-G. Burzacchini, Lirici greci. Antologia, nuova ed. con aggiorn. bibl. a c. di M. Magnani, Bologna (Pàtron) 2005 [Firenze (La Nuova Italia) 1977].

Teaching methods

The teaching method in use is appropriate to the specific needs of the subject which requires the communication of the main course contents through classes; discussion with the students about textual problems; tutorial programs for the students. The final examination will include an oral exam to ascertain familiarity with course material.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral exam

Other information

Oral lesson