cod. 13544

Academic year 2009/10
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Metodologie della ricerca archeologica (L-ANT/10)
"storia, archeologia e storia dell'arte"
Type of training activity
40 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

The primary objective of the course is to communicate the main tools and methods of modern archaeological investigation, from both the theoretical and practical point of view. Secondary objectives are the recognition, understanding and cataloguing of archaeological sites, in order to protect, preserve and valorise them. Students will be guided in acquiring the necessary skills for decoding ancient signs in the modern landscape, from both the regional and urban point of view. The conscious acquisition of traditional sources of archaeology will be supplemented by skills related to the broad spectrum of new methods in archaeological research, borrowed from scientific and technical disciplines. Finally, students will be required to demonstrate their ability to compare data gathered for each site to the traces on the ground.


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Course unit content

Course title: Contemporary archaeological research: instruments, methods and new guidelines. Contemporary archaeological investigation instruments and methods based on current guidelines. Acquisition of expertise on written and archaeological documents and on the use of new technologies applied to archaeology. Identification, understanding, documentation and valorisation of urban and regional archaeological contexts. Emergency and preventive archaeology. The archaeological site in a modern inhabited setting: perception and protection 

Full programme

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C. Renfrew, P. Bahn, Archeologia. Teorie, metodi, pratiche, Bologna 2006, chapters 1-4, 6, 9, 12, 14. <br />
G. Poma (edited by), Le fonti per la storia antica, Bologna 2008, the articles indicated below: L. Quilici, La topografia antica; R. Vattuone, S. Giurovich, G. Poma, Le fonti letterarie; A. Donati, L’epigrafia romana; E. Ercolani Cocchi, La numismatica. <br />
J.-P. Adam, L’arte di costruire presso i Romani, Milano 1984, chapters. 3-5, with comparison by G. Lugli, La tecnica edilizia romana, Rome 1957, vol. 2, tables. <br />

Teaching methods

The teaching method used is tailored to the specific requirements of the discipline, involving communication of the main course contents through traditional classroom lectures and illustration of the most common instruments available used through practical applications of them. The archaeological application of the new methods also requires the organisation of periodic guided exercises to ensure the necessary level of familiarity with the instruments used. The assessment method includes an oral test of students’ familiarity with the course content, along with a practical exercise in applying the acquired methods.

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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