cod. 13352

Academic year 2012/13
3° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Storia delle dottrine politiche (SPS/02)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
80 hours
of face-to-face activities
12 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

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Course unit content

The course will focus on an analysis of the origin and development of the main concepts in the ancient and modern Western political thought, by the study of the most significant authors.

Full programme

The origins of the political thought in the ancient Greece; the political thought of the main greek authors: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle; political thought and right in the roman republic; the roman thought: Polybius and Cicero; the coming of Christianity; politics and common-wealth in Thomas Aquinas; Machiavelli; State and sovereignty: Bodin; State of nature, civil society, authority and liberty in Hobbes; Locke’s political thought; Constitution, powers and liberty in Montesquieu; liberty and equality in Rousseau; David Hume; the American Revolution and “the Federalist”; representation, parties and revolution in Burke; Kant’s political thought; the liberalism: Constant; democracy and liberty in Tocqueville; the socialist thought the communist doctrine of Marx, liberty and representation in Stuart Mill.


1. L.M. Bassani, S.B. Galli, F. Livorsi, Da Platone a Rawls. Lineamenti di storia
del pensiero politico, Giappichelli, Torino 2012;
2. J.-J. Chevallier, Le grandi opere del pensiero politico, Il Mulino, Bologna

Teaching methods

Frontal Lessons

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral Examination

Other information

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