Learning objectives
Provide the student the ability to recognize the fundamental transformative processes that have characterized the world in the last decade .
Course unit content
The course is divided in two parts even there is a continuum along which we moves throughout the course. The current crisis will be studied in its various facets, deepening its repercussions in economy, society and in the labor market.
Full programme
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First Part:
Alan Touraine, Dopo la crisi. Una nuova società possibile, Armando editore, 2012
Vanni Codeluppi, Ipermondo. Dieci chiavi per capire il presente, Laterza, 2012
Second part:
Emilio Reyneri, Francesca Pintaldi, Dieci domande su un mercato del lavoro in crisi, Il Mulino, 2013
Enrico Moretti, La nuova geografia del lavoro, Mondadori, 2013
Teaching methods
Lectures and interactive workshops, also with the help of external experts.
Assessment methods and criteria
The exam consists of a written exam with open questions .
Students who have attended the course in the past with a different program , are invited to contact the teacher.
Other information
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