cod. 1005816

Academic year 2013/14
2° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Psicologia sociale (M-PSI/05)
"altre conoscenze utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro"
Type of training activity
25 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Integrated course unit module: PROFESSIONAL SEMINAR

Learning objectives

Respect to knowledge and understanding (descriptor 1) the course aims at the acquisition of a historical view (time evolution of the concepts of hospitality, tolerance, subjectivity) and comparative (distinction between the functional approach (or integrationist) and the communicative approach (or interactionist) against cultural otherness) because these approaches help to orientate the student in a multicultural society.


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Course unit content

The seminar was inspired by reflection on the theme of hospitality in a multicultural society sociologicaly developed by Alessandro Bosi and intends to deepen the aspect of communicative relationship with otherness in the socio-cultural constructionist and anthropo-group analysis. In the interests of cultural interaction will be crossed with the following topics: listening, reports Ego / Alter and integration / hospitality, cosmopolitan communication, alterification.
The first module is centered on the theme developed by Bosi hospitality according to which multiculturalism is a fact while interculturalism is an horizon. In particular will be further explained the distinction between the functional approach (or integrationist) and the communicative approach (or interactionist) against cultural otherness. Starting from the assumptions expressed in the above form, you will deepen in key social constructionist the different "forms" of communication between cultures in order to highlight the characteristics of the "cosmopolitan communication" as it has been defined by Peirce. We will focus in particular on the topic of listening of the Other as an essential element of any communication process open and co-constructive.
Finally will be presented with a point of view - the anthropo-groupoanalytic model formulated by Diego Napolitani - historicist and structurally relational relationships with cultural otherness. According to this perspective otherness is not only always already inhabits the individual form of a matrix group-but it is also an end (or a possible goal) that marks every authentic moment of encounter and transformation. Hence the gain conceptual concluding the seminar that become the Other (alterification) is the mark of being human.

Full programme

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Bosi, A. (2002), La città degli ospiti. In A. M. Campanini (a cura di), Il servizio sociale nella società multietnica. Prima accoglienza: problemi e prospettive (pp. 113-135). Milano: Unicopli.
Bosi, A. (2004). Integrazione e interazione culturale nella postmodernità. In R. Billi e G. Giordani (a cura di), Chiaroscuri dell'integrazione. Le sfide dell'immigrazione tra differenza e interazione. Parma: Ial Regione Emilia Romagna.
Bosi, A. (2006). Autoctono, cosmopolita e alloctono nella società multiculturale. Ipotesi per la realizzazione di tre ritratti. Studi di Sociologia, 1, 59-79.
Bosi, A. (2009). Cultura e civiltà nella città surmoderna. In A. Bosi (a cura), Città e Civiltà. Nuove frontiere di cittadinanza. Milano: Franco Angeli.
Demetrio, D. (1997). Adulti che ascoltano, adulti che si ascoltano. In A. Bosi e A. M. Campanini (a cura di), La cultura dell’ascolto nel presente. Percorsi di comunicazione nella vita quotidiana e nei servizi (pp. 79-86). Milano: Unicopli.
Demetrio, D. (2002). Educazione interculturale nel lavoro sociale: progetti e relazioni quotidiane. In A. M. Campanini (a cura di), Il servizio sociale nella società multietnica. Prima accoglienza: problemi e prospettive (pp. 143-150). Milano: Unicopli.
Iori, V. (1997). Ascoltare il silenzio. In A. Bosi e A. M. Campanini (a cura di), La cultura dell’ascolto nel presente. Percorsi di comunicazione nella vita quotidiana e nei servizi (pp. 69-75). Milano: Unicopli.
Napolitani, D. (2008a). Identità, alterità, culture. Rivista Italiana di Gruppoanalisi, 2, 7-49.
Napolitani, D. (2008b). Dai risentimenti al multiculturalismo. Commento a “Altro affettivo: identità e risentimento nelle società plurali” di Stefano Tomelleri. Rivista Italiana di Gruppoanalisi, 2, 119-122.
Pearce, W. B. (1989). Comunicazione e condizione umana. Milano: FrancoAngeli, 1993.
Ricci Bitti, P. E. (1997). La comunicazione delle emozioni nella relazione. In A. Bosi e A. M. Campanini (a cura di), La cultura dell’ascolto nel presente. Percorsi di comunicazione nella vita quotidiana e nei servizi (pp. 87-101). Milano: Unicopli.
Scivoletto, A. (1997). L’ascolto attivo. In A. Bosi e A. M. Campanini (a cura di), La cultura dell’ascolto nel presente. Percorsi di comunicazione nella vita quotidiana e nei servizi (pp. 43-45). Milano: Unicopli.

Teaching methods

The course is set to:
1. Lectures conducted by the teacher with lively debate centered on the final 'keywords' (brainstorming students on the concepts exposed by the main teacher and exchange of views and \ or questions);
2. Watching movies centered on the themes of tolerance and hospitality.
3. Group exercises on the concept of deterritorialization.

Assessment methods and criteria

The verification of the course is as follows:

• 1. A final written exam based on the literature and lessons.
• This is a critical reworking of one or more topics (chosen by the student). The paper aims to verify the accuracy of students' learning and revision made on content. In this sense, we intend to verify the ability of students to orient themselves in the problems of the multicultural society knowing take on different points of view and different concept maps.

• The final evaluation of the student is based on the written test. It corresponds to a fitness assessment and unsuitability.
I will explain to the students these assessment criteria at the beginning of the course.

Other information

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