cod. 1008740

Academic year 2024/25
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Istituzioni di diritto pubblico (IUS/09)
Discipline giuridiche
Type of training activity
55 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The aim of the course is to provide students with a general overview of the basic knowledge of the fundamental institutions of public law as well as to indicate the basic methodological approach to understand and study the social work law. At the end of the course students are expected to have acquired these skills and abilities: - knowledge of the main categories of public law and of laws about social work; - ability to understand and comment laws and judgments concerning the topics of the course; - communication skills with appropriate legal Language - ability to apply the acquired knowledges to specific case studies.


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Course unit content

The course is organized in four parts. The first part of the course will be dedicated to the basic knowledges of the juridical phenomenology (law, legal system and legal provisions); to the analysis of the lineaments of the State theory: the concept of State and its constituent elements; the forms of State and forms of Government; the origins and the development of the italian constitutionalism and the notion of the Constitution and of its distinctive features. The second part of the course will concern, specifically, the italian constitutional system. It will focus on the italian model of government, its evolution and its Institutions, the Regions and the other local governments. The third part of the course will concern the sources of law. The fourth part of the course will concern the study of the origins, development and transformations of the Welfare State, as well as the analysis of its main features and functions. This part will also address the issue of the protection of fundamental rights with particular reference to social rights, in light of the social legislation and the role played by State, Regions and other local governments for the effective guarantee of human rights.

Full programme

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- R. Bin, D. Donati, G. Pitruzzella, Lineamenti di diritto pubblico per i servizi sociali, Torino, Giappichelli, last edition:
chapter 1
chapter 3 (only par. 2,3,4,6)
chapter 4 (only par. 1,2, 6)
chapter 7 (only par. 1,2,3,4,8)
chapter 9 (only par. 1,2,3)
chapter 10 (only par. 1,2,3,4,10,11, 14)
chapter 13 (only par. 1,2,3,4,5,6)

Teaching methods

The first part of the course will take place mainly through teacher-fronted lessons, favoring the dialogue and the interaction with students.
The second part of the course will see the active participation of students in the analysis of legal texts, topics of constitutional relevance and case studies, through group work and workshops under the guidance of the teacher.
Seminars concerning a deep analysis of some particular topics of public law will be organized. For each seminar, teaching materials (laws, judgments, doctrine essays) will be loaded on Elly. To download this material, online registration is required.

The course will be held in attendance. Any additional didactic materials will be uploaded to Elly platform

Assessment methods and criteria

The final evaluation (vote on thirty) takes the form of an oral examination with at least three questions, with reference to the entire program of Welfare public law as indicated in the suggested text. The oral test aims at verifying knowledge and understanding of the contents of the program, the reasoning ability and the logic of the argumentation. The familiarity with the legal institutes and the autonomy of judgment will be also verified by inviting student to explain topics and case studies discussed during the course. The test is aimed at verifying student's ability to synthesize, communicative and expressive skills, as well as successful acquisition of the appropriate legal language. The sufficient threshold is considered to be achieved when the student has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of the institutes of the program and is able to implement the correct interactions among the various parts of the program. If this is not achieved, the exam will be considered inadequate.

Students attending the lessons of the course (at least 70% of the total 55 hours) can submit a topic of their choice during the oral exam.

Other information

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