Learning objectives
The student will acquire specific notions on the pathogenetic role of nutritional factors in human pathology, understanding alterations at cell, tissue and organism levels (DD1, knowledge and understanding).
Moreover, she/he will be able to apply these molecular and cellular bases to the main nutritional disorders (DD2, applying knowledge and understanding) and to critically describe causes, mechanisms and consequences of uncorrect nutritional habits (DD4, communication skills).
Adequate bases of biology and biochemistry are required.
For a successful comprehension of the course, the contents of the exam of Biochemistry (1st semester) are required.
Course unit content
Fundamentals in cell pathology. Pathophysiology of nutrition: nutritional deficiency and nutritional excess.
Food allergy and intolerance.
Nutrition and cancer.
Full programme
1. Fundamentals in cell pathology:
- Cell injury
- Major types of cell stress: oxidative, ER, ischemic, nutritional
- Cell death
- An introduction to inflammatory response
- Storage disease: steatosis
2. Pathophysiology of nutrition:
-Hypo- and hypervitaminosis
- Trace elements deficiences
- Pathophysiology of obesity
- Role of obesity in chronic multifactorial diseases
3. Food allergy and intolerance:
- Fundamentals in immunology
- Immune tolerance
- Hypersensitivity
- Food allergies and anaphylaxis
- Food intolerance
- Cellular bases of celiac disease
4. Food and cancer:
- General concepts in oncology
- Cancer hallmarks and cancer progression
- Molecular bases of cancer: protooncogenes and oncosuppressors
- Chemical cancerogenesis
- Food constituents and cancer
- Diet and cancer
- Metabolic alterations in cancer
- Cachexia
For the General Pathology module, students should use as a reference one of these modern textbooks:
1. Kumar, Abbas, Aster, Deyrup (Eds). Robbins – Elementi di Patologia e di Fisiopatologia, EDRA, 2024.
2. Mainiero, Misasi, Sorice (Eds.) Patologia Generale e Fisiopatologia
2 vol. VI edizione
Piccin, 2019.
3. Altucci, Berton, Moncharmont, Stivala (Eds.)
Patologia e Fisiopatologia Generale, 2 vol.
Ildeson-Gnocchi, 2018
Additional references will be suggested during the lectures.
Teaching methods
Lessons will be on site. Lectures will be interactive and will be carried on through a dialogue between the teacher and the students. Examples of true-life situations and clinical cases will be also provided so as to raise the interest of the students.
Supporting didactic material will be available on the specific, student-restricted platform (Elly) and will include slide presentations and audio-video aids.
Slide consultation will be necessary but NOT sufficient for students preparation.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral examination concerning the whole Course, with two different questions from two teachers. One question will concern pathology, the other Biochemistry.
Final grades will be decided by the two teachers on the basis of the singlke evaluations, with the possibility of a maximal deviation of three grades.
Other information
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