Course unit partition: Cognomi M-Z

Academic year 2024/25
1° year of course - Annual
Antonio Maria TEDESCHI
Academic discipline
Composizione architettonica e urbana (ICAR/14)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The main educational objective of the laboratory concerns the learning of architectural design techniques in the urban context of reference. To this end, the student will have to acquire a good understanding of terminology referring to phenomena and concepts of architectural composition, a knowledge of the historical experience of the theater building and of living in the city, a capacity for data collection and analysis to understand the data functional and usable architectural structures in a given urban context, a capacity for the first formal and functional configuration of the architectural space of the building and of the urban place also in relation to a case analogy, a figurative and landscape prefiguration towards which the design definition tends.


Real (or presumed) passion for the architectural project.

Course unit content

The design experience deals with the theme of the "theater" and the "house of the theater" as opportunities for a design that wants to measure itself above all with the physical, formal and perceptive dimension of the space for collective use and at the same time with the domestic dimension of the live even in the specific case of a residence for actors, artists and operators working from time to time in the theater structure itself. Two different conditions of interpretation and manipulation of the material space in architectural form that have in common the belonging to the place and the contribution they give to the forms and functions of the city, as well as to its landscape. Between design theory, study of the place and urban identity in which the project is inserted, interpretation of the functional and fruitive framework, typological and figurative definition, the design experience develops in procedural terms during the year with opportunities for inspection and reading of places, of analogical study of typologies, of exercises in theatrical spaces of the city.

Full programme

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Teaching methods

The laboratory activity includes frontal lessons on the history of theatrical typology, on contemporary typological cases, on a series of buildings and theatrical spaces in the city of Parma in a systemic key. At the same time, on-site inspections of the project area are planned, opening the gaze to the characteristics of the urban place, and within the reference theatrical structures. Some lectures by external guests on the themes of theatrical planning, the functioning and management of theatrical structures, on questions of direction and scenography related to theatrical spatiality will be scheduled during the year. The first semester will see the students focus on cognitive and analytical aspects regarding the theme of theatrical architecture and the architecture-city relationship to be returned through tables of a meta-design nature. The second semester, which will begin with a continuous activity workshop (5 days), will see the design application on the urban scale and the architectural building with the preparation of tables/models (plans, elevations, sections) of a plastic volumetric nature.

Assessment methods and criteria

The laboratory provides for a permanent check on the progress of the design work through meetings to review and discuss the design work in progress of each group (made up of 3-4 students). Of particular significance are the opportunities for the design workshop at the beginning of the second semester (end of February), the design results of the laboratory in view of the exhibition on 29 May and obviously the final exam with the elaborate products (drawings, models) within the exam-seminar of the coordination of the ICAR laboratories 14 of the five years foreseen towards the end of July.

Other information