cod. 1007681

Academic year 2024/25
1° year of course - Second semester
Barbara GHERRI
Academic discipline
Architettura tecnica (ICAR/10)
"discipline tecnologiche per l'architettura e la produzione edilizia"
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide students with literacy on architectural materials, building materials, and construction techniques, whether traditional or recently adopted by the construction industry. Architectural materials are considered the initial phase and the foundation of grammar and design syntax, presented in their historical evolution and of use.

Particular attention is then dedicated to the theme of eco-sustainable design with insights into the recyclability of materials, their energy content of production, and concepts such as Life Cycle Assessment (L.C.A.).

Among other objectives are:

1. The acquisition of the necessary knowledge of production and implementation techniques, technological performances, and environmental sustainability characteristics of the main building materials for their correct use;

2. The acquisition of a critical capacity that allows one to evaluate the congruence between technological choices and the functional needs of building materials;

The acquisition of an operating methodology is essential to highlight, interpret, and subsequently manage the links between building techniques, regulatory requirements, and criteria of environmental and ecological compatibility of materials for architecture.


Being a basic course of the first year, specific prerequisites are not required

Course unit content

Architectural materials, considered as the foundation the grammar the design syntax, will be presented to explore in their historical and use through case studies study notable of remarkable architectural works. Monographic delve into focus on specific applications of materials.

The analysis of progressively more complex construction elements in their application or production phases is also discussed through case studies.

Full programme

The course is divided into didactic modules, which do not coincide with a lesson - dedicated to the different building materials, all their different performances, and for each section numerous application examples will be presented. The topics covered in the theoretical lectures will be: Performance theory: classes of performance requests for building components, use and well-being performance, safety and harmlessness performance, integrability and appearance performance, maintenance and management performance, performance of duration. The building system: environmental system and technological system, environmental units and technological units. Binders (lime, cement, pozzolane, gypsum) Ceramic materials (Ceramics, terracotta and stoneware) Brick Natural stone Wood Glass Steel Reinforced concrete Iron and alloys Other metals Thermal insulation materials Waterproofing works Materials innovative, new generation, nanotechnology


Bibliografia essenziale:
-Chiostri, Furiozzi, Pilati, Sestini, Tecnologia dell’architettura, Firenze, Alinea, 2002.
-Caleca L., Architettura tecnica, Palermo, Flaccovio, 2000.
-Bandelloni E., Elementi di architettura Tecnica, CLUP, Padova, 1998.

Bibliografia specifica:
-E. Gregoriani, I rivestimenti esterni- materiali e sistemi, Rimini, 1996. A.
-Boeri, Pietre naturali nelle costruzioni, Milano, 1996.
-M. di Sivio, Facciate di pietra, Firenze, 1993.

-D’Angelo D., Tecnologia dei materiali ceramici, pp. 152-171, Materia n. 39, 2002.
-Dellapiana E., Il design della ceramica in Italia 1850 - 2000, Milano, Electa architettura, 2010, pp. 255.
-Acocella A., L’architettura del mattone faccia a vista, Roma, Laterconsult, 1989.
-Acocella A., Stile laterizio. I laterizio cotti fra Cisalpina e Roma, Media MD, 2013.

-Collepardi M., Scienza e tecnologia del calcestruzzo, Hoepli, 1992
-Macchia C., Ravetta F., Intonaci. Requisiti, progettazione, applicazione, sicurezza dei prodotti, Maggioli, Santarcangelo di Romagna , 2002

-Renè W., Miehlbradt M. Progettare in calcestruzzo armato, Hoepli 1994.
-Sinopoli N., L’innovazione tecnologica in edilizia: una premessa, in Sinopoli N. e Tatano V. (a cura di), Sulle tracce dell’innovazione. Tra tecniche e architettura, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2002.
-Nervi P.L., Scienza o arte del costruire? Caratteristiche e possibilitaà del cemento armato, Edizioni della Bussola, Roma, 1945
-Simonnet C., Alle origini del cemento armato, in “Rassegna”, n. 49, p. 9, 1992

-Barbisan U. , Guardini M. Reinforced Concrete: a short history, Tecnologos, 2007.
-Iori T.. Il cemento armato in Italia dalle origini alla seconda guerra mondiale, Edilstampa, 2001.
-Nelva R., B. Signorelli, Avvento ed evoluzione del calcestruzzo armato in Italia, AITEC, 1990.

Polazzi G., Metalli, Milano, Federico Motta editore, 2005.
A.A.V.V., Atlante dell’ acciaio, Torin, Utet, 1999.

-Walker, A. Atlante del legno, Hoepli, Milano, 2019
-Cirillo A., LEGNO. MATERIALI E TECNOLOGIA, Hoepli, Milano, 2020.
-Piazza M., Tomasi R., Strutture in legno, Hoepli, Milano, 2005.
-Natterer, Herzog, Volz, Atlante del legno, Torino 2000.

-AA VV., Atlante del vetro, Utet, Torino 1999.
-CONIO C., La tecnologia della trasparenza, Tecnomedia, Milano 1995.
-NEWMAN H., Dizionario di vetro, Garzanti, Milano 1993.

-AA. VV. , Manuale di progettazione edilizia – Le chiusure verticali, Milano, Hoepli, 2002
-Caterina G., Il recupero degli infissi, UTET, Torino,1995.

-AGHEMO C., I materiali per l'isolamento termico, CELID, Torino, 1985.
-REYNIERI C.A., Isolanti e guaine in bioedilizia, Edicom, Monfalcone, 2003.
-SASSO U., Isolanti si isolanti, no secondo bioarchitettura: indicazioni operative su come, perché, quando e dove e indicato usare gli isolanti termici in edilizia, Alinea, Firenze, 2003.

-Argiolas M., Impermeabilizzazioni in edilizia, Maggioli editore, 2017
- Argiolas M., L’umidità da risalita muraria. Diagnosi e sistemi correttivi, Maggioli editore, 2020.
-CROCE S., FIORI M., Sistemi di impermeabilizzazione, guida alla progettazione, BEMA EDITRICE, Milano, 2005

Teaching methods

The teaching methods are divided into lectures and involve the participation of external experts and construction industry professionals who that conduct hold monographic seminars on materials or components.

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam includes a verification test with open questions and a series of graphic questions aimed at assessing the knowledge and interpretation of building envelope details.

Other information

The complete bibliography and the detailed program of the course will be made available in the first days of lessons.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

This class contributes to the realization of the UN objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office


Quality assurance office

Education manager:
rag. Cinzia Zilli
T. +39 0521 906433
Office E. 
Manager E. 

President of the degree course

Prof. Andrea Zerbi

Faculty advisor

Prof.ssa Lia Ferrari

Career guidance delegate

Prof.ssa Barbara Caselli

Tutor professor

Prof. Andrea Zerbi

Erasmus delegates

Prof.ssa Silvia Berselli
Prof. Carlo Gandolfi
Prof. Dario Costi
Prof.ssa Sandra Mikolajewska
Prof. Marco Maretto

Quality assurance manager

Prof.ssa Silvia Rossetti


Prof. Carlo Quintelli
Prof. Antonio Maria Tedeschi

Tutor students

William Bozzola –
Mathieu Marie De Hoe Nonnis Marzano -
Francesca Pinelli
Federica Stabile