cod. 1011888

Academic year 2023/24
3° year of course - Second semester
Benedetta GRANDI
Academic discipline
Economia e gestione delle imprese (SECS-P/08)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
63 hours
of face-to-face activities
9 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide complete information of the marketing mix instruments used by firms to increase the degree of customer satisfaction, in a market characterized by increasing competition.
a. Knowledge and ability to understand The intention is to transfer the necessary knowledge to the student regarding the marketing mix instrumentation used by manufacturers and retailers to increase the degree of satisfaction of the final customers. This will be done through a detailed analysis of the marketing mix levers aimed at allowing the student to have elements of a conceptual nature useful for understanding the functioning of the marketing processes.
b. Applying knowledge and understanding
The student will have the necessary knowledge to understand the problems related to the profitability of the marketing strategies and the satisfaction of the final customer. The ability to apply the acquired knowledge will be through the deepening of case studies and the carrying out of group work for students attending the course.
c. Making judgments
At the end of the course the student will be able to use the analytical tools acquired. The autonomy of judgment of the student will be stimulated by promoting the ability to analyze business case studies, managerial lectures and group work.
d. Communication skills During the course the student will be stimulated to acquire adequate communication and synthesis skills. The participants in the group work will be invited to present the results of the research carried out.
e. Learning skills
At the end of the course the student will have gained the ability to expand, update and deepen the knowledge acquired in the classroom and studying in textbooks. The group work is aimed at stimulating the student's curiosity, strengthening his ability to learn and analyze.
At the end of the course, students will hopefully gain the following skills:
• Understanding of the basic marketing tools to effectively market
products and services
• Ability to reason as passionate marketers
• Ability to develop a consistent international marketing strategy
• Understanding of Cross-cultural Marketing and its opportunities to exploit new marketing segments
• Ability to develop effective Cross-cultural Marketing campaigns
• Improvement of teamwork and communications skills and development of a deadline orientation


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Course unit content

The course will dicuss all the steps of the Marketing process.
Specifically, starting from the definition of Marketing and its evolution and the main concepts, the course will approach both the stratec and the tactical parts of the process.
Collection of information, understanding of the environment in which companies and consumers operate, segmentation, targeting and positiong will be discussed for what concerne the strategic part.
Then, the “4 Ps” will be presented (product, price, place and promotion).
Each step will be discussed considering the point of view of companies that decide to approach the domestic market and companies that decide to approach foreing markets following an international/global marketing path.
The main elements of culture will be considered fundamental in order to have success among customers and satisfy their needs.

Full programme

Please contact the teacher if you need further information on the detailed course program.


Attending Students: Slide lectures

Non attending students:
"International Marketing" – Ghauri, Pervez, N., 2014, McGraw-Hill
"Marketing in culturally distant countries : managing the 4Ps in cross-cultural contexts", -Magnani, 2022, Springer

All the chapters.

Please email the teacher to receive information about the chosen textbooks for this course. More detailed information will be provided during the lessons. Please be aware that different textbooks or/and readings might be required for attending versus non-attending students. The teacher will provide the slides of the lectures.

Teaching methods

The course will be taught in English with a mix of lectures, case study discussions, groupworks and class presentations. The variety of above methodologies and encouragement of in class discussion contributions will stimulate autonomy of judgment and interest for continuous learning about the problems and topics discussed during the course. The activities will take place in presence.

Assessment methods and criteria

The final exam will consist of a written test in English.
The knowledge and understanding achieved will be assessed with openended questions on relevant theoretical topics. Furthermore, since the questions are open, students are able to exercise significant independent judgment with respect to what is required.
The ability to communicate using the appropriate technical language will be assessed by evaluating the correct use of expressions/technical terms in the context of the answers given to the above questions. Finally, the need for handling categories and qualitative information acquired during the course, during the specific cases studies, requires the students to apply knowledge already possessed, and to learn and to evaluate new information. The score of each question plus any bonus points obtained during lectures and team work give the final score of the written test. The test time is 1 hour. The test is differentiated according to whether students are attending or not attending.
For attending students, the knowledge and understanding achieved will be assessed with n. 3 open-ended questions (10 points each) + the extra points gained from the development of a marketing plan (project work that gives maximun 5 points). 45 minutes is the duration of the exam.
For non-attending students, the knowledge and understanding achieved will be assessed with n. 5 open-ended questions (6 points each) and it will last 1h15minutes.
For further information on the final examination, please contact the teacher. The results will be published on ESSE3.

In case of improvement of the health conditions related to the COVID pandemic, the exams will be held in oral form with the same methods as the written exam

Other information

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