Course unit partition: Cognomi M-Z

Academic year 2023/24
3° year of course - Annual
Academic discipline
Indefinito/interdisciplinare (NN)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The course is designed in such way that offers all students the capability to match methodology to personal work experience , inclusive of all elements and knowledge about all social services operations.
Knowledge and capability of understanding the inside out of the social service organisation and how the social worker is supposed to behave and apply the field knowledge
Knowledge and understanding capability of the matter. Develop professional observing skills
Independent judge
Testing and experimenting the application of specific operative tools
Recognise all methodological aspects during the professional experience
Re-read with focus and reflective-critic way the already apprehended theory
Knowledge of the main and various characteristics of the social services as such as “managing groups” , “projections of community”, “communicative skills”,
To merge capabilities and techniques to formulate and put down in written form different types of texts (exhibitive, descriptive, argumentative) which requires good communicative and writing Learning skills .
Develop auto analysis skills to set judge the work done in the field Capability of connecting theory and practice together.


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Course unit content

The first part includes all elements related to the professional methodology as such as:
Community work
Group work
In the second part it will be assessed a target related to the personal experience as such as stages and internships of the students.

Full programme

Extended program
Community work
-theoretical and methodological fundamentals about community work. -historical elements about the community social service in Italy.
-from the individual itself to the community: close ups and differences of professional methodology.
-main participative methodologies
-indications suitable for projecting and managing the community social work
-main theoretical approaches about the reflexivity of the casework
• Mistakes within the services supplied to the individual regarding reflexivity and responsibility
• Mistakes that generate understanding and mistakes that generate damage
• Learning from the mistakes
Group work
Group functions within the social services worker
Main study theories about the group.
-types of groups in the social service
-indications aimed to project and manage work with groups


Reference books

- T. Bertotti, Decidere nel servizio sociale. Metodo e riflessioni etiche. Ed Carrocci Faber
- V. Fabbri, Il gruppo e l’intervento sociale, Capitoli 1-3-4. Ed. Carrocci Faber
- Errore e apprendimento nelle professioni di aiuto, Ed. Maggioli
- Dispense/slide di lezione/altro materiale a disposizione degli studenti

Teaching methods

Academic Methods
Face to face lessons focused on high level experience teaching:
-tutorial sessions that prepare the student to the experience world. -training and simulations aimed to develop technical , relational and methodological skills in the safest way possible before during the simulation and at the same time when the real experience takes place. -home-works , assignments and tutored work.
-Analyses of the study cases presented and analysed by the student under the systemic relational approach applied to the professional methodology.
-predispositions in small groups , to make presentations about both practice and theoretical learning outcomes studied during the course.

Assessment methods and criteria

Testing the learning outcomes:
Oral exam to establish:
-Matured Knowledge of the student apprehension
-Ability in matching practical and theoretical knowledge. What was learned during the academical work and what was learned during the work experience.
-Ability in spotting the relevant elements to analyse group work, casework , community work.
-ability in applying the knowledge learnt during the practical experience. -The exam will be considerate a pass if the student is able to show a significative knowledge of what discussed during the lessons, being able to make links between what understood and what discussed.

Other information

Reference books:
E. Allegri, Il servizio Sociale di Comunità, Carocci Faber, ed
A. Twelvettes, Il servizio sociale di comunità, Erickson ed.
C. Marzotto (a cura di), I gruppi di parola per figli di genitori separati, Vita e Pensiero ed.
V. Calcaterra, L'affido partecipato, Erickson ed.
V. Quercia, Il lavoro sociale nelle dipendenze da alcool e droga, Erickson ed.
V. Calcaterra, Attivare e facilitare i gruppi di auto/mutuo aiuto, Erickson ed.
C. Taylor e S. White, Ragionare i casi, Erickson ed.
M. Lerma, Metodo e Tecniche del Processo di Aiuto, Astrolabio ed

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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