Course unit partition: Cognomi A-L

Academic year 2023/24
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Psicologia dello sviluppo e psicologia dell'educazione (M-PSI/04)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
36 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit


Learning objectives

The course intends to promote in students the knowledge relating to the factors and main processes of development and adaptation of individuals throughout their life, with a particular focus on the period from birth to adolescence. Students will also acquire knowledge related to the main features and milestones of cognitive, emotional and social development, with elements of neuroscience. The course will also offer students an in-depth study of the observational method, both in the field of research and in applied contexts. Through the discussion of some research-intervention projects, the course also aims to offer students opportunities to learn the practical implications that knowledge of developmental psychology can have in different life contexts.
Finally, the course aims to encourage students to develop some transversal skills, such as: the ability to learn, independence of judgment with respect to the theoretical and methodological issues addressed and a good ability to communicate on the aspects discussed and learned. Particular attention will be paid to the relational aspects involved in the relationship with the child and adolescent, with the aim of stimulating an important intersubjective awareness.


The course does not include specific pre-requisites relating to the subject, since it is a basic course scheduled for the first year.

Course unit content

The course will be divided into the following parts:
1. Presentation of the main models and theories of developmental psychology: factors and developmental processes
2. Presentation of the main characteristics and milestones of development from a cognitive, emotional and social point of view.
3. The deepening of observation as one of the main methods of developmental psychology
4. From theory to practice: research-intervention paths in the social field.
5. Insights into the development of language and communication skills, moral sense and the influence of family contexts and peers in the development of individual characteristics.
In the psychological development of the individual, the impact of the use of digital devices and virtual realities will also be considered.
6. Particular attention will be paid to attachment theory and motivational systems as a framework for the relationship with the child and adolescent both from the point of view of the minor and the adult.

Full programme

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1. Psicologia dello Sviluppo 2/ed con connect.
autori: P. Leman; A. Bremner;Ross D. Parke; M. Gauvain; F. Sulla; L. Traverso; A. Versari.
Data di pubblicazione: 1 gennaio 2023d.
Ed. Mc Graw Hill
2. Ulteriori parti di testi di approfondimento o di articoli scientifici verranno comunicati all'inizio delle lezioni e forniti in pdf agli studenti dalla docente.

Teaching methods

The course offers interactive lessons with slides and videos. Taking into account the number of students present in the class, active methods will be used in the course that include the participation and interactions of and between students, such as: working groups and discussions on specific topics relevant to the course contents. These methodologies will be very useful in promoting the acquisition of learning skills, the ability to apply this knowledge in real life, independent judgment and communication skills.

Assessment methods and criteria

the final exam consists of a written test with 25 multiple choice questions (mandatory) plus an open one. Each answer to the multiple choice questions will be worth one point, while the open answer will be worth 5 points.
The written test will be evaluated out of thirty and will be considered passed only if the minimum mark of 18 is achieved.
The final assessment aims to evaluate that the student has acquired knowledge and understanding of the contents of the course and that he has acquired the ability to interpret and re-elaborate the topics covered.

Other information

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