cod. 1011729

Academic year 2023/24
3° year of course - Second semester
Andrea ZAGHI
Academic discipline
Storia economica (SECS-P/12)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
42 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Why is such a workshop needed?
To understand how the story and image of factories evolved over time (and how it is today), it is useful to better understand and manage them.

What this Lab is not
The Workshop has clear ideas about what it absolutely does not want to be.
It is not an in-depth study of storytelling, marketing or corporate communication techniques.
It is not a history of business, nor is it a history of corporate communication.



Course unit content

The workshop aims to analyse how the enterprise was and is narrated, starting from a simple observation: the enterprise is not only the organised place of production, but also and above all the expression of a human will.

Storie of factories, yesterday
The workshop will therefore describe how the enterprise has been narrated over time by presenting some concrete examples. The chronological perspective is very broad, as is the approach used, which privileges historical and economic sources, but does not neglect those of a different origin.
The approach sees the enterprise, first and foremost, as a product of human action. An enterprise, therefore, but also much more.
The enterprise narrative changes on the basis of its place in the historical, social and economic context. To understand business choices, it is also necessary to look at these aspects: economic choices, and therefore also business choices, are not always made on the basis of exclusively rational parameters.

Stories of factories, today
The question that needs to be answered is: how is enterprise told today?
If in the first part (yesterday) we stopped more or less at the 20th century, here it is necessary to consider how the enterprise is told today - in the 21st century.
The aspects to be put under observation are: corporate communication, marketing, advertising, corporate welfare, corporate social responsibility, but also literature, music, cinema.
It is necessary to point out how what is presented today (perhaps as a novelty) is nothing more than a revision of what was already done in the past.
How do we communicate business correctly and effectively today?

Full programme

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Since this is a workshop, materials will be indicated at the beginning of the activity by the teacher.

Teaching methods

Seminar meetings for discussion and reflection.
Meetings with witnesses.

Assessment methods and criteria

A final test will be carried out which will consist in the discussion of a case of business story.

Other information

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