cod. 1011020

Academic year 2023/24
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Diritto del lavoro (IUS/07)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
63 hours
of face-to-face activities
9 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

At the end of the course, the student will be able to understand the main legal institutions that refer to the welfare state, both with reference to social security and social assistance, as well as to orient themselves in the relevant legislation.
The course aims to enable the student to achieve the following educational objectives:
- Develop a thorough understanding of social security law;
- Acquire a broad ability to understand how the social security system works;
- Be able to apply their knowledge in order to be able to analyze legal documents (laws, jurisprudential rulings) and deal with concrete cases relating to personnel management;
- Acquire the basic knowledge for a theoretical-dogmatic analysis of the social security system;
- Being able to read and interpret the topics dealt with critically;
- Acquire the ability to express oneself with a clear and correct vocabulary and demonstrate a good command of the technical-legal language connected to the subject matter.
Specifically, the course aims to achieve the following results:
- Knowledge and understanding skills: at the end of the course, students are expected to acquire the tools for understanding the rules governing our social security system, and to gain a comprehensive knowledge of social security regulations, and to gain an advanced knowledge of the main topics;   
- Practise knowledge and understanding skills: at the end of the course, students are expected to be able to use the knowledge gained to analyse legal documents (laws, sentences) and, therefore, to handle case studies regarding the staff management;
- Making judgments: at the end of the course, students are expected to read and interpret critically the topics dealt with, combining both the knowledge gained and their own point of view. This means that they will be able to manage different aspects of the subject autonomously and critically.
- Comunication skills: at the end of the course, students are expected to express themselves clearly and properly and to use the technical-legal language of the subjects.
- Learning skills: at the end of the course, students are expected to develop their understanding skills and to acquire, autonomously, professional skills necessary to enter the labour market.


Course unit content

In this Course you will study the Italian legal framework of social security. You will analyse the rights to social security and social assistance in the light of the Italian Constitution. You will learn the most important institutes and forms of social security.
The program of the course is divided into the following points:
- The idea of social security in the Italian Constitution and in the International and European Union Law;
- Sources of the social security system;
- The progressive realization of a social security system in ordinary legislation;
- The social security system: subjects, object of protection, financial and contribution profiles;
- The legal social security relationship: constitution, subjects, development, protected events;
- Pensions: general system;
- Industrial accidents and occupation diseases;
- Social insurance for invalidity;
- Health care: the National Health Service, the sickness benefits for common diseases, parental leave;
- The social security system for the unemployed;
- Protection of employees in the events of the insolvency of their employer;
- Family allowances;
- Supplementary social security.

Full programme


E. Ales, G. Canavesi, D. Casale, R. Casillo, M. Esposito, G. Ludovico, R. Vianello, Diritto della sicurezza sociale, Giuffrè, Milano, 2021, or alternatively, M. Persiani, M. D'Onghia, Diritto della sicurezza sociale, Giappichelli, Torino, 2022.

Teaching methods

The course will take place in person.
Any changes made necessary by the health emergency will be promptly communicated through the Elly platform.
The course consists of frontal lessons.
During the didactic activity, the peculiarities of each institute will be point out and the general issues connected to their practical application and to trends case law will be discussed.
The didactic material used during lessons and exercises will be uploaded on the Elly platform weekly.

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam consists of an oral test.
The final exam consists in a oral test based on rather two different questions in order to verify:
- The knowledge and the comprehension of the contests of the course;
- The knowledge of the doctrinal and case law matters;
- The capability of solving concrete cases;
- The use of an appropriate technical and legal language.
Sufficient will be achieved when the student has shown knowledge, understanding of the institutes and the ability to apply theoretical knowledge to concrete cases.
The vote will be awarded according to the following value system:
Below 18/30 – insufficient level: the student does not achieve any of the learning outcomes included in the "Knowledge and understanding skills" paragraph;
18-20/30 – sufficient level: the student achieves the learning outcomes included in the "Knowledge and understanding skills" paragraph;
21-20/30 – fully sufficient level: the student achieves the learning outcomes included in the "Knowledge and understanding skills" paragraph and "Practise knowledge and understanding skills" paragraph;
24-26/30 – good level: the student achieves the learning outcomes included in the "Knowledge and understanding skills" paragraph, "Practise knowledge and understanding skills" paragraph and “Self-assessment” paragraph;
27-29/30 – very good level: the student achieves the learning outcomes included in the "Knowledge and understanding skills" paragraph, "Practise knowledge and understanding skills" paragraph, “Self-assessment” paragraph and “Communication skills” paragraph;
30/30 cum laude: excellent level: the student achieves the learning outcomes included in the "Knowledge and understanding skills" paragraph, "Practise knowledge and understanding skills" paragraph, “Self-assessment” paragraph, “Communication skills” paragraph and “Understanding skills” paragraph.

For the only ATTENDING students there is a chance to take the exam through a written test in the manner that will be announced during the lessons.
This test will be carried out at the end of the educational period.
Students who are not satisfied with the grade will be able to choose to complete the written test with an oral interview. The final vote will be determined by the weighted average of the votes.

Other information

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