Course unit partition: Cognomi A-L

Academic year 2024/25
2° year of course - First semester
Francesca MACI
Academic discipline
Sociologia generale (SPS/07)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
36 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit


Learning objectives

The course, lasting six months, is located in the second year of the course of study, the year in which the student will also face the first period of practical training, and therefore aims to transmit "the objectivity of professional knowledge", setting the supporting bases on which it will be possible to make explicit the "free action" of the Social Workers.
The expectation is that, at the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Knowing "what the Social Worker does in practice";
2. Know the field work and its relevance to laws and regulations;
3. Understand how to implement what is formalized in the standards;
4. Acquire a basic technicality useful to remove concern with respect to possible procedural errors and / or omissions;
5. Being able to conduct an interview, using strategies and tactics to be applied in different contexts of help.


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Course unit content

Based on the objectives set, the main contents of the course can be summarized as follows:

1. The Method in social work. The methodological procedure: objectives, peculiarities and phases

2. Interventions of the Social Worker in institutional work contexts and in the different areas of social services:
- territorial services: interventions for basic needs, hardship, poverty and marginalization;
- services for non self-sufficient people or people with disabilities: aid and legal protection paths;
- services for minors and families: help paths, relations with the judicial authorities, protection of minors and women victims of violence, deviant minors and criminal path;
- services for people with addiction, mental health and criminal / penitentiary problems.
3. The work tools of the Social Worker:
- The interview: strategies for conducting the interview, the interview in the methodological process and in the different contexts of reference;
- The documentation;
- The home visit;
- Meetings and team work
- The professional relationship
- Supervision

Full programme

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1. "Guidelines and procedures of social service", by Raineri M. L., Corradini F., ed. Erickson, 2019
Part two, chap. 3 (pp. 79-82, 86-88, 93-94, 96-103)
Third part, chap. 4 (pp. 109-118, 121-126, 130-137); Postal Code. 5 (pp. 139-151, 154-160)
Part four, chap. 8 (pp. 231-240); Postal Code. 10 (pp. 265-290); Postal Code. 11 (pp. 291-318); Postal Code. 13 (pp. 343-366); Postal Code. 15 (pp. 395-413)
Part five, chap. 16 (pp. 417-455); Postal Code. 17 (pp. 457-486); Postal Code. 18 (pp. 487-501, 504-514)

2. "The social service. Tools, actors and methods", by Perino A., ed. FrancoAngeli
Chapter 3 (pp. 83-110)
Chap. 4 (pp. 111-145)

3. "The psycho - social interview in services for minors and the family", by Gallina M. and Mazzucchelli F., FrancoAngeli ed.

4. Other teaching material and slides to support the contents of the lessons, which will be published in Elly on the page dedicated to Teaching.
These texts and materials are to be considered mandatory in relation to the final exam.

Teaching methods

The teaching methodology will be of a dialogic-interactive type, alternating theoretical frontal LESSONS with CASE STUDIES, GROUP WORK with PRACTICAL EXERCISES, SIMULATIONS AND ROLE PLAYING, in particular on the conduct of the help interview.
The course will be supplemented by in-depth SEMINARS conducted by external experts, Social Workers or professionals from other Institutions belonging to the network of public services and the Third Sector, in order to deepen the knowledge but also the expectations related to the role and operation of the Social worker in the different contexts of intervention.

Assessment methods and criteria

The method of evaluating the objectives achieved will take place through n. 2 exams:
- a WRITTEN test (multiple choice quiz) with n. 30 questions, which will cover all the topics covered during the lessons and contained in the bibliography, aimed at evaluating the study and learning of theoretical / practical notions. The test lasts 1 hour. Each question is worth 1 point, for a maximum total of 30 points. The student must obligatorily answer all the questions.
For Erasmus students and students with special needs the duration of the test will be 1 hour and 20 minutes.
- an ORAL test, lasting 10 minutes, consisting of n. 2 questions aimed at evaluating the ability to elaborate and connect, language and professional attitude, based on all the topics covered during the lectures, seminars and contained in the bibliography. Knowledge and in-depth study of the texts and teaching material is evaluated in 30ths and is worth 50% of the final grade. To obtain the pass, the student must answer all the questions. The grade varies according to critical ability, professional attitude and language used.
For Erasmus students and students with special needs the duration of the test will be 15 minutes.
The final evaluation of the student emerges from the average of the scores obtained by the student in the two tests, which must both be sufficient; otherwise, the student is insufficient.
Students will be explained the evaluation criteria during the lessons.

In the event that the health emergency continues, and depending on how it evolves, the exam may take place either in mixed mode (i.e. in the presence, but with the possibility of support even remotely for students who request it from the teacher ), or only online for everyone (remotely). Information will be given promptly on the method chosen on the esse3 system in advance of the exam.

Other information

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