Learning objectives
The laboratory aims to introduce and facilitate the learning of basic knowledge on the current ethics of Italian psychologists and the related legal regulations, with particular reference to the following topics:
- Fundamental ethical principles of Italian Psychologists (articles 1-10 of the current C.D.);
- Professional secrecy, reporting obligations, reporting and testimony, privacy (articles 11-17 of the current C.D.);
- Relations with users and clients (Articles 18-32 of the current C.D.);
- Relations with colleagues (articles 33-38 of the current C.D.);
- Relations with the Company and modalities of adaptation of the C.D. to the internal and external social changes of the Professional Community (articles 39-42 of the current C.D.).
Knowledge of basic concepts of Psychology, such as identity, self, diagnosis, clinical relationship, psychological support, individual and group intervention, team work, the main application areas of Psychology.
Course unit content
The laboratory aims to deepen the fundamental basic concepts of the current ethics of Italian psychologists and the related legal regulations.
Full programme
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Slides provided by the teacher. Furthermore:
Essential bibliography for the exam:
- Code of Ethics of Italian Psychologists.
Additional bibliography recommended for the exam (essential for non-attending students):
- Frati, F. (2012) - The dark side of the mind. The self in the face of changes. Chapters 1-2-4-5-7. Molfetta: La Meridiana Publishing, 2012.
Teaching methods
The lesson will take place face to face through an interactive lesson that sees the active participation of students: discussion in large groups and exercises in small groups or individually.
In the event that the persistence of the current health emergency (Covid-19) does not make classroom lessons possible, it will take place remotely, online, in synchronous and asynchronous mode (through the Teams videoconferencing platform).
Assessment methods and criteria
The final test will consist in the drafting of a report on a deontological theme indicated by the teacher.
The student of the Master's Degree in Psychology must be present at least one of the meetings and positively support, at the end of the same, the related proof for the acquisition of eligibility.
Students who do not obtain a favorable outcome for this test of eligibility (or who will not have been present at both meetings of their Group) will be able to take it, through an individual exam, on the dates that will be subsequently indicated, or in any case on the dates agreed directly by the Teacher. .
In addition to the indispensable bibliography to be able to face the afore mentioned verification test by regularly attending students, a "recommended bibliography" is also indicated above for all considered useful and, in any case, considered absolutely essential for those who will not participate in at least one of the meetings of their Group indicated above.
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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