cod. 1009413

Academic year 2023/24
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Psicologia dinamica (M-PSI/07)
Psicologia dinamica e clinica
Type of training activity
42 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The course aims to promote knowledge and understanding of the fundamental concepts and dynamic clinical intervention technique. The course also aims to stimulate the reflective and self-reflective ability of students, promote their autonomy of judgment with respect to the intervention models presented and develop a good ability to communicate effectively and rigorously the aspects investigated and learned. These skills will be stimulated by the teacher by proposing clinical and theoretical insights.


Knowledges in Dynamic Psychology, Clinical Psychology and Developmental Psychology.

Course unit content

The psychological competence is a multifaceted construct. The psychological intervention presents in fact afferent levels of processes: interpersonal, interpersonal, social, cultural and institutional. The psychological competence can than be represented as a prismatic image whose different sides are interconnected: the technical and the relational competences, the attention to the context, the self-reflexivity and the social responsibility. In this sense, the different elements that are at the base of a psychological intervention (the setting in its different forms, the unfolding of the clinical dialogue, the analysis of the clients' claim, the client-psychologist relationship) will be declined with respect to the development and the implementation of these different and interrelated levels of competence. In order to account for the complexity of a psychological intervention, the course will focus on the presentation of the fundamental concepts of clinical-dynamic psychological intervention (transference / countertransference, interpretation, defense mechanisms, etc.) by contextualizing them in particular clinical situations.

Full programme

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Cordella, B., Grasso, M., Pennella, A.R. (2022). Metodologia dell’intervento in psicologia clinica. Nuova edizione. Roma: Carocci (Introduzione, capp. 1 e 2).

Colli, A. (a cura di) (2016). Psicoterapia dinamica. Teoria, clinica, ricerca. Roma: Carocci. Capp.: 1, 2, 3.

Caretti, V., Craparo, G., Schimmenti, A. (a cura di) (2013). Memorie traumatiche e mentalizzazione: teoria, ricerca e clinica. Roma: Astrolabio. Cap.1.

Fruggeri, L. (2014). La competenza psicoterapeutica: un costrutto multicomponenziale. Ricerca Psicoanalitica, 1, 9-21.

Verrocchio, M.C. (a cura di) (2023). Manuale di Psicologia Clinica. Padova: Piccin. Cap. 21.


Teaching methods

In order to encourage the acquisition of the ability to apply this knowledge in professional practice, independent judgment and communication skills, the course will include frontal lessons, group work, vision and analysis of videos, seminars with professional psychologists working in different social-health-educational contexts and with different types of users.

Assessment methods and criteria

The examination will consist of a 30-minute written exam with 31 closed-ended questions (5 response options). These questions will be used to assess not only the knowledge and skills acquired, but also the autonomy of judgment, the ability to critically review and apply the skills to professional practice. Each correct answer corresponds to one point. The final grade is calculated as the sum of the individual answers and is expressed in thirtieths (31/30 = 30 with honors).

Other information

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