Learning objectives
Evaluation of the carrying capacity of natural systems in the food sector in relation to their vitality and resilience
Analysis of the possibilities and limits of technological progress for food production
Circular economy principles applied to the agrifood sector
Definition and development of sustainability indicators in the food system
Role of biotechnology in providing sustainable strategies for the production of food and feed
Previous knowledge of micro, macro economics and marketing
Course unit content
Demographic growth associated with the increase in the ecological footprint and the effects of climate warming will put access to food in many countries at serious risk in the coming years.
The solution must be sought in the application of a sustainable development model that manages to combine the defense of environmental quality with social rights and economic development.
The course will be characterized by a transdisciplinary approach that aims to integrate skills from environmental, economic, social and legal sciences, as well as the virtuous use of biotechnology as a tool for sustainable food production
Full programme
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Rapporto ASvis 2024 https://asvis.it/rapporto-asvis-2024/
Documento Ufficiale Agenda 2030 delle Nazioni Unite https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/21252030%20Agenda%20for%20Sustainable%20Development%20web.pdf
"L'economia della ciambella" di Kate Raworth Ed. Ambiente 2017
"Circular Economy for Food" di Franco Fassio, Nadia Tecco Ed. Ambiente 2018
"The age of sustainable development" di Jeffrey Sachs Ed. Columbia University Press 2015
"Eating planet" Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition Ed. Ambiente 2016
Rapporto FAO 2024 sulla sicurezza alimentare https://www.fao.org/publications/home/fao-flagship-publications/the-state-of-food-security-and-nutrition-in-the-world/en
"L’utopia sostenibile" di Enrico Giovannini Ed. Laterza 2018
"SDG 4business" di A.de Seneen, R.M.Maiorano, R.Reali Ed. Insor 2020
"Economia in 3 D " di Gunter Pauli Ed. Ambiente 2017
"Atlante dell’Antropocene" di F.Gemenne e A. Rankovic Ed. Mimesis 2021
Report OXFAM 2024 https://policy-practice.oxfam.org/resources/the-commitment-to-reducing-inequality-index-2024-621653/
"Agroecologia circolare" di Angelo Gentili e Giorgio Zampetti Ed. Ambiente 2021
"Nutrire il futuro: una via verso la sostenibilità alimentare" Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei Ed. Il Mulino 2020
"Il mondo dopo il PIL" di Lorenzo Fioramonti Ed. Ambiente 2019
Il raapporto GUPTA 2021 https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/6014329ce90e076265e4d9ba/Dasgupta_Review_-_Abridged_Version.pdf
Teaching methods
Lectures that include laboratory activities, possibly integrated by seminars held by industry experts
Assessment methods and criteria
The dates for the exam sessions for the 2024-2025 academic year are: 20 May at 9.00, 10 June at 9.00, 8 July at 9.00, 3 September at 9.00
The exam will be structured as follows:
Oral test with questions on topics, including the seminars covered in class, related to the project developed and the case study presented (15/30),
Discussion of an original project developed as part of the NEXT hackathon that will be held during the course (10/30).
Presentation of a sustainability case study (in ppt max 10 slides) of the food chain based on one of the recommended texts (5/30).
Other information
In consideration of the complexity of the course contents and the exam method, regular attendance at the lessons is recommended
2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
SDG2, SDG1,SDG4, SDG5, SDG8, SDG9,SDG10, SDG11, SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, SDG15, SDG16, SDG17