Thesis/Final examination

The final examination must testify to the student's cultural growth in the field of study of the degree course.

Characteristics of the final examination

The purpose of the test is to assess the candidate's ability to explore in depth one of the topics covered in the degree programme or, alternatively, to develop a project on topics covered in one or more of the degree programmes.

The final examination is intended to verify preparation through a written examination on a previously defined topic.

Having ascertained the candidate's level of autonomy and mastery of specific tools, as well as the acquisition of the complementary skills envisaged in the Dublin descriptor system, the board gives the candidate a final mark out of 110.

Conduct of the final examination

In order to be admitted to the final examination (degree examination), the student must:
- have acquired at least 175 ECTS credits from having successfully passed all the activities envisaged in the programme of study at least 15 days prior to the date set for the examination;
- have paid all fees, university contributions and incidental expenses;
- be registered for the degree examination.

The final examination of the degree course consists of an examination on one or more topics chosen by the student from among those proposed by the teaching staff on the committee with the aim of testing the student's independent learning abilities.

Lode may be awarded as part of the final assessment for students with a particularly meritorious study record.

Specific information on how the final examination is conducted is published in the documents on the Department's website at

The Food Systems thesis

Summary guide with directions for the final examination in Food Systems