cod. 1011018

Academic year 2022/23
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Economia aziendale (SECS-P/07)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
42 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

a. Knowledge and understanding: the student will acquire knowledge relating to interpretative models designed to evaluate, with reference to the distinct species companies, the main internal and environmental issues. Students will also learn the logic behind the processes of determining a business plan's performance.
b. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: the student will be able to interpret and apply the most widespread business analysis and problem-solving models, as well as to deal with studies related to decision-making methodologies (e.g., Value Proposition, Business Model Canvas, SWOT Analysis, Web Strategy, and Business-Planning.)
c. Autonomy of judgment: the student will be able to deal profitably with the interpretative logic of corporate decision-making processes and will acquire an interpretative model suitable for continuing their studies.
d. Communication skills: at the end of the course the student will have acquired problem analysis skills (problem-solving skills), interpersonal skills, and the ability to express effectively in written and oral form, with an appropriate language to discuss the topics covered in the course with the various interlocutors.
e. Ability to learn: the student will learn the skills mentioned above through a correct approach to individual study and guided development of exercises and business cases.



Course unit content

This International Blended Intensive Course Proposal introduces some contemporary business frameworks and topics and provides students with skills to analyze and find practical solutions for actual business issues with people from diverse backgrounds using online platforms such as Zoom, social media, and Business-oriented Apps. Students will be facilitated by Professors and Companies Officers to accomplish an International, collaborative, and technology-enabled educational experience.

The course is divided into three parts: an online asynchronous individual lectures, an online synchronous course period (online group work), and eventually short-term presence teamwork, which will gather Students, Companies Officers, and Professors of Estonia, France, Italy, Japan, and Portugal in Italy.

The structure of the course is aimed to stress the innovative, intensive cooperation among students combining short-term physical mobility with a compulsory virtual synchronous and asynchronous component, development of joint blended mobility curricula, and activities managed by a transnational and transdisciplinary team. The Blended Intensive Course Proposal is clearly adding value compared to existing courses offered by the participating higher education institutions.

Full programme

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Any teaching material provided by the speakers is available on the Elly page of the course.

Teaching methods

Acquisition of knowledge: lectures online (asynchronous and synchronous) and in presence.
Acquisition of the ability to apply knowledge: case-study and teamwork.
Acquisition of judgment: exercises and classroom discussions.
Acquisition of learning skills: development of guided exercises and case studies.
Acquisition of technical language: The meaning of commonly used terms is explained, and classroom discussions aim to encourage the correct use of terminology.
The teaching material will be enriched with video-recordings of the lessons or with other material to be made available on the Elly page of the course.

Assessment methods and criteria

The evaluation takes place in two steps:
1) Students will be asked to write during the Online individual lecture series an Individual Lecture Report, in which they will be asked to write a business idea of their own product or service that address the proposed problem/s by the company. They will try to identify the customer’s problems. It will be accomplished using conceptual maps and a 250-word concise note.

2) During the Intensive Course Period (Online group work series and Short-term physical group mobility) students will prepare a Group Presentation on Preliminary Research, a Final Group Research Presentation (representatives and academic instructors will be addressed with a 10-minute presentation of the findings of the students’ group project), and an Individual Reflection Report.

Knowledge and ability to understand (a) will be ascertained through the abovementioned reports that are intended to assess the student's knowledge of the topics and ability to make connections between them. The ability to apply knowledge and understanding (b), the autonomy of judgment (c), and the ability to learn (e) will be ascertained both through the presentations and discussion of the students' group project, where connections between topics and application of decision-making concepts will be evaluated.
Communication skills (d) will be ascertained both through teamwork discussion for which appropriate language is required and through the specific presentation of reports designed to verify correct understanding and appropriate use of the terminology employed.

The two steps will be evaluated in 30/30, the final mark will be the weighted average of the single evaluations obtained in the two parts. 18/30 is needed in both parts of the exam. Laude will be given to those particularly deserving students who, in addition to having complied with the requirements necessary to obtain a full assessment, in carrying out the tasks have demonstrated an overall appreciable systematic knowledge of the subject, an excellent ability to apply the knowledge acquired to the specific problem, a significant autonomy of judgment, as well as particular care in the formal drafting of the report.

Step one has a weight of 30% over the final score.
Step two has a weight of 70% over the final score, as follows:
-Group Presentation on Preliminary Research (30%);
-Final Group Research Presentation (30%);
-Individual Reflection Report (10%).

The results will be communicated via the Esse3 platform. Any further information will be provided through the Elly platform.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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