cod. 1005193

Academic year 2023/24
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Diritto amministrativo (IUS/10)
Discipline giuridiche
Type of training activity
36 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The course aims to develop in students a good grasp of the fundamentals of administrative law because such as future social workers will have to deal daily with the public administrations.
Goal of this course is to enable the student to acquire appropriate legal preparation to tackle and resolve the major issues related to the world of work. In particular the teaching administrative law aims to develop in students
adequate knowledge of the elements of the subject matter to make it possible for future social workers to set and solve the various problems related to the practical application of administrative law.
Teaching has also aims to enable students to develop an independent judgment and argumentative skills related to the study and analysis of the main practical cases. In particular, it is expected that students will be able to: 1) know the General rules of administrative law and the rules contained in the main read id references indicated by the teacher; know the main definitions, understanding the rules with systematic, doctrinal and jurisprudential guidelines; knowing and understanding the discipline id Framework data, access and privacy (knowledge and understanding). 2) Apply the knowledge gained in individual cases and to have an independent, critical and argumentative skills in relation to the resolutions of different case studies (capacity to apply knowledge and understanding). 3) knowing how to analyze in a way
province jurisprudential pronunciations, practical cases, presenting the models analyzed with systematic method (autonomy of judgement). 4) appropriate legal language and Developing an autonomy in legal concepts (communication skills). 5) be able to propose a solution to a specific case and argomentarne the validity (ability to learn).


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Course unit content

The teaching concerns the study of the General rules of administrative law and the deepening of certain specific areas of the subject, useful for the formation of the figure of the social worker. The course is structured in three lectures. The first series of lectures provides getting started but need to the study and understanding of this branch of law. The basics regarding the study of the evolution of administrative law, the analysis of internal and community sources, the illustration of the constitutional principles of public administration as well as the basic principles of administrative activity and the different forms of explanation. The second cycle of lessons is devoted to discussion of the peculiar institutions of administrative law such as administrative powers and their exercise; the procedure, function and administrative regulation; disabling diseases the administrative act and forms of self-defence.
The third series of lessons is devoted to the analysis of topics of particular practical relevance in social services such as access to administrative documents and privacy.

Full programme

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For STUDENTS ATTENDING: The attendance to the course allows you to deepen the topics characterizing the basic training of administrative law topics in the reference text: F. Merloni "Istituzioni di Diritto Amministrativo" ultima edizione, capitoli 2, 17, 19, 20 e il "Manuale di legislazione dei servizi sociali" a cura di F. Manganaro, V. Molaschi, R. Morzenti Pellegrini e D. Siclari, ultima edizione, capitoli 1, 2, 3,4, 12. During the lessons the teacher will analyze some useful cards to deepen specific aspects of the subject, necessary for the formation of the figure of the social worker. These boards will be loaded on deck Elly before class that will be broached the subject.
We recommend the consultation of the main laws.

Teaching methods

The teaching will be carried out not only lectures, but also through interactive teaching together with the analysis of the most importantand recent judgments useful to the complete knowledge of the subject.

Assessment methods and criteria

The learning and the degree of preparation is checked by written examination with multiple choice quizzes on the arguments put forward discussed in class. The student must show that he has acquired a total of suitable knowledge of concepts shown during the course of lessons.

Other information

The Teacher is available for infromation both during the receving hours and by e.mail

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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