cod. 1010603

Academic year 2022/23
1° year of course - Annual
Academic discipline
Tecnica e pianificazione urbanistica (ICAR/20)
Progettazione urbanistica e pianificazione territoriale
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit


Learning objectives

The course aims at developing the students’ ability to integrate the main functional and environmental aspects into the planning and design process, aiming primarily at developing the ability to critically read available urban data and the main urban planning tools. The course also provides the essential notions, content, qualitative and quantitative tools aimed at analyzing the urban environment at the neighborhood scale (using GIS technology) and to hypothesize a regeneration plan, at the urban block scale, that pays attention to ecological-environmental issues and preservation of the role of open space in a broader sequence of spaces at the urban and territorial scale.
At the end of the learning experience, the student is supposed to:
- acquire knowledge in open space assessment,
- develop proper practical skills to approach open space analysis and planning using GIS techniques,
- develop specific communication skills.


Knowledge of urban and spatial analysis as well as urban planning acquired in the bachelor's degree program is taken for granted.
Minimum experience in drafting reports and graphic boards is required.

Course unit content

The course explores the environmental, ecological and social value of open spaces as a strategic opportunity for urban regeneration plans and projects in the existing city, but also as a resource related to soil and its functions. The course also addresses the complex relationship between urban form, functions and public space, also looking at the main urban planning tools, and guiding the student through a rigorous analytical process, supported by GIS (Geographic Information System) and applied to a case study: an urban sector of the city of Parma that developed mainly between the 1940s and 1970s.
The student will be provided with theoretical-operational knowledge regarding:
- Design of the public city and residential systems, with reference to the issues of the 15-minute city and pedestrian accessibility.
- Environmental and climate challenges and related adaptation and mitigation responses.
- Open space planning, relevant legislation and urban planning tools;
- Notes on urban ecology.
- The soil as a resource: soil consumption and its environmental and social effects: containment policies, techniques and indicators for monitoring; compensation and de-sealing;
- Techniques and tools for representing and assessing the relationships between open and built-up space (GIS technology).
The acquisition of this knowledge together with the critical reading of some national and international case studies will finally enable the student to develop a simple design exemplification on an urban sector in the municipality of Parma.

Full programme

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- Dinetti M. (2000), Infrastrutture ecologiche: manuale pratico per progettare e costruire le opere urbane ed extraurbane nel rispetto della conservazione e della biodiversità, In Verde editoriale
- Gehl Jan, 2015, Città per le persone, Maggioli, Bologna
- Gerundo C., 2018, L’adattamento delle città ai cambiamenti climatici, Federico II University Press.
- Lynch K., 1964 (1960) L'immagine della città, Marsilio, Venezia
- Manzini E. (2021), Abitare la prossimità. Idee per la città dei 15 minuti, Egea
- Musco F., 2009, Rigenerazione e sostenibilità, Franco Angeli, Milano
- Tarantino, A., 2020, Rigenerazione sostenibile e consumo di suolo. Best practice per la salvaguardia delle aree urbane e periurbane, Cacucci
- Ventura P., 2018, La città nuova. Elementi di progettazione urbanistica, McGraw-Hill.

Educational material in the form of slides and notes will be available in the Elly web page of the course.

Teaching methods

- Lectures on theoretical and technical aspects of open space analysis and planning
- Classroom exercises with GIS: group activity on the implementation of a relational database applied to an urban sector in Parma (study area).
- Integrated studio activities for the urban regeneration of an urban block within the assigned urban sector.

Assessment methods and criteria

In addition to the delivery of the final project (see the corresponding entry in the Urban planning Studio for the Sustainable City), the course includes an intermediate delivery of the GIS database designed and implemented in groups to support the analysis of the assigned urban sector. The GIS database will be accompanied by a brief technical report containing the technical specifications of the database.

Other information

Attending 70% of the lessons is compulsory for admission to final exam. Participating in GIS practical exercises in class is highly recommended.