Both ingoing and outgoing transfer application must be submitted to the Student registry office by the deadlines indicated on the Transfers and transitions webpage.
If more applicants apply for the same year than there are places available, a ranking will be drawn up on the basis of the following criterion:
- arithmetic average × (ECTS credits acquired/total ECTS credits), from the first year to the year of last enrolment, based on the degree programme.
In the event of a further tie, the youngest student shall have priority.
Recognition of the studies carried out in Architecture courses in other European Union and non-EU countries, as well as of the credits obtained in these, will take place through the evaluation, by the Degree Council, of the curriculum sent by the University of origin and of the exam programmes taken.
After deciding on the recognition of a defined number of ECTS credits, the Degree Council decides on the enrolment of the student in one of the years of the course, adopting the following criterion: to be admitted to a given year of the course, the student must have passed all the exams envisaged in the previous years, with a maximum debt of 30 ECTS credits. For validated examinations, the same grade will be maintained or, in the case of several validated examinations that contribute to the validation of a single exam, the average of their respective grades.