Advising and guidance

Advising and guidance refer to all activities aimed at enabling the prospective student to plan and manage their learning in a way that is consistent with their personal life goals and makes full use of their individual skills and interests to achieve personal fulfilment.
Depending on the stage of the university process at which these activities are carried out, a distinction is made between: advising carried out before the choice of the degree course, aimed at prospective students and offering support in identifying the course to be undertaken on the basis of individual interests, expectations and aptitudes. In this phase, the various possible scenarios are presented to the prospective student and the alternatives of the university path are illustrated; Guidance carried out during the university career, aimed at enrolled students and designed to guide them through the courses of study already undertaken, allowing them to establish a better interaction with the structures and the university context; Career guidance carried out close to or after graduation, aimed at graduates or graduating students and designed to facilitate their introduction into the working environment.

Guidance and tutoring

The service is intended to support the appropriate integration and progression of students in the degree course through:

  • specific tutoring activities for students enrolled in the first year of the course (e.g. advice on issues relating to preliminary courses, how to attend course units, exercises and laboratory activities);
  • assistance in the compilation of individual programmes of study and in the students' choice of the most appropriate course for them;
  • remedial activities for students in difficulty;
  • cultural and professional orientation activities;
  • promotion of student participation in national and international exchange or mobility programmes.

There is a Welcome Day with a "lesson zero", usually scheduled during the first week of classes, during which the student can begin to discover how the University works, the degree course and the main services available.
More information can be found here: Welcome Days
The availability of tutors (students and teachers) is guaranteed to guide and support students during their training, guiding and advising them in their choices and supporting them in the organisation of their studies, with the aim of building a coherent training pathway and preventing delays in completing their studies:
- University tutors Eva Coisson, Barbara Gherri, Michele Zazzi 

- Students and PhD students tutors: the activities of the tutors, selected for each academic year following a specific call for applications, are coordinated by Prof. Andrea Zerbi.

Consult the relevant page for the complete list of tutors and contacts.


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