cod. 1009692

Academic year 2022/23
1° year of course - First semester
Roberto MAZZI
Academic discipline
Disegno (ICAR/17)
Type of training activity
48 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The CAD+BIM DRAWING course for the building project aims to train students by providing the basic tools and knowledge for the correct representation of the project, making them aware of the multiple methods of approach related to the design activities of a
building intervention, developing practical skills for understanding and communicating the graphic elements. The aim of the exercise will be to take the student through a reasoned process, to facilitate the understanding of the evolutionary process of a project.
The objective is to show the student the multiple applications that the development of a project in BIM mode can have, the functionality that interpolarity brings in relation to the exchange of data between different programmes. The skills acquired are thus intended to give the ability not to dwell on a single 'modus operandi', but to be aware of the many facets present in the working environment. Project communication remains the basic point on which these activities are based.
The student must be able at the end of the workshop to evaluate the most effective way of representing a project.
The training course aims to create these skills.


Knowledge of drawing fundamentals: orthogonal and oblique projections

Course unit content

The course deals with issues related to the representation of the project through the use of digital computer tools. In the first part of the course there will be a presentation of the graphic conventions related to the project with reference to the various scales of representation. They will be applied through the use of 2D CAD tools, with the creation of elements related to orthogonal representations. Analysing the potential of 2D CAD drawing, the in-depth study will continue with the use of BIM methodology through the aid of dedicated programmes. By means of Bim Authoring software, the 3D model of the assigned case will be created, from which the projections necessary for the development of the graphic works required for the examination will be derived. This model will then have to be enriched with information support, thus creating a BIM, which can be interrogated. This inserted information will then be fundamental for the creation of the graphic works themselves, with the help of appropriate graphic overlays.
The information linked to the model may be inherent to work phases/timings, demolition/construction elements, costs.
Project planning issues (WBS and GANTT) will be addressed in a preliminary manner.
The deliverables required in the final phase will concern both appropriately formatted graphics and the export of a model in IFC format, as proof of the creation of a BIM model.

Theoretical and practical lessons are planned in which the following topics will be covered:
- 2D CAD-related topics
Basic principles of CAD2D programmes
Drawing tools
Layout, layers, layout, print styles,
- BIM-related topics
Purpose of BIM
Cad to BIM
Graphic processing
Creation of rendering views
4D-5D aspects
Project planning aspects

A defined minimum number of revisions of the drafts will be necessary in order to be able to face the final examination, which may vary depending on the state of evolution of the draft submitted by the student.
It is useful to have knowledge of two-dimensional drawing, not necessarily related to the digital sphere. Aspects related to three-dimensional modelling and graphic representation will be addressed during the workshop with applications.
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Full programme

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C. Rizzarda, G. Gallo, “La sfida del BIM, un percorso di adozione per progettisti e imprese”, Edizione Tecniche Nuove, Milano, 2017

On drawing, representation and design:
C. Benedetti, ”Costruire in legno”, Edizione Bolzano University Press, Bolzano 2014
C. Benedetti, "Risanare l’esistente", Edizione Bolzano University Press, Bolzano 2014
AA.VV. “Almanacco dell’architetto, da un’idea di Renzo Piano”, Edizione Proctor, Bologna 2012

Teaching methods

The course will take place in workshop mode (in-presence) with the aid of digital teaching materials and supporting videos, supported by reviews of the work produced and reference texts.
During the course, practical modelling activities will be carried out during class time, with cases agreed with the lecturer.

Assessment methods and criteria

During the course period there will be intermediate tests with the presentation of work produced by 2D CAD programmes, followed by the elaboration of a model using BIM methodology.

The final examination
It will take place by means of the delivery of the papers and an oral examination with the discussion of the papers produced in which elements such as

Knowledge of representation issues
Knowledge of BIM issues
Evaluation of the graphic choices applied in the deliverables
Quality of the models produced

These assessment elements will contribute equally to the student's final assessment.

Other information

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