cod. 1009588

Academic year 2023/24
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Composizione architettonica e urbana (ICAR/14)
Type of training activity
48 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide essential tools for the work of the architectural designer. Through 12 lessons focused on predefined themes, the student will be provided with a "vocabulary", not exhaustive but sufficiently comprehensive, of the language and culture of contemporary architectural design.
The project today is the result of the work of an increasingly broader team, necessary to meet the increasingly stringent multidisciplinary requirements that the project itself must achieve. Mastery of the various theoretical, technical and practical aspects around which the project is declined is one of the fundamental skills that the designer must acquire. The lessons planned, therefore, will attempt to address the main nodes of the architectural project supply chain/process in a transversal manner in order to familiarise the student with making architecture.


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Course unit content

The lectures will be structured around the following themes of the design method:
1) Architectural culture
2) Ethical-symbolic value of architecture
3) The elements of architectural design
4) References supporting design
5) Function
6) The scale of the project
7) Multidisciplinarity of the project
8) Technical legislation
9) Bureaucracy

Full programme

With respect to the topics listed in the course content, the lesson programme will be composed as follows:

Lecture 1 - Architectural Culture.
For a polytechnic culture of the project.

Lesson 2 - Architectural Culture.
Notions of modern architectural history

Lesson 3 - Architectural culture.
The architect's imagination

Lesson 4 - The elements of architectural design.
The plan and elevation. The pillar and the beam. The stairs. The light. The roof.

Lesson 5 - Ethical-symbolic value of architecture.
Architecture and meaning

Lesson 6 - References supporting design.
The houses of Ignazio Gardella. By Filippo Turchi

Lesson 7 - Function.
The promiscuity of living: the home-studio

Lesson 8 - The scale of the project.
The unified city. A research on the urban project

Lesson 9 - Multidisciplinarity of the project.
The design process. A practical example

Lesson 10 - Technical legislation
The levels of architectural design

Lesson 11 - Bureaucracy
The qualifications of the project

Lesson 12
Final pre-examination review of the synoptic table produced during the semester by the working groups.


Strina P., (ed.) La città accorpata. Una ricerca sul progetto urbano, Il Poligrafo, Padua, 2023

Zevi B., Saper vedere l'architettura. Saggio sull'interpretazione spaziale dell'architettura, Einaudi, Torino, 2009

Cerri P., Nicolin P., (eds.) Le Corbusier. Verso un'architettura, Longanesi & C., Milan, 1984

Teaching methods

The course will be conducted through 12 lectures of 4 hours each. A number of short on-going exercises on the topics covered from lecture to lecture are planned. The students, organised in groups, are asked to produce a "synoptic table of the design process", each focusing on a pre-assigned case-study, selected from the modern and contemporary architectural panorama.

Assessment methods and criteria

The verification of learning will take place by means of targeted exercises on the topics covered from lecture to lecture. The practical exercise relating to the "synoptic table", revised from time to time during progress, will be presented in its final version during the examination. The final examination will be oral. The grade will take into account the outcome of the exercises, the oral examination and the presentation of the synoptic table. The date of the ordinary examination will be announced as soon as possible during the course.

Other information

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