cod. 25343

Academic year 2022/23
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Psicologia sociale (M-PSI/05)
Psicologia sociale e del lavoro
Type of training activity
42 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The course aims at fostering the learning of analytical models for the
understanding of different types of family functioning, based on the
following methodological principles: plurality, complexity and multi-
processuality. The course also proposes to show how this knowledge can be applied to a professional reality through the use of survey instruments and development assessment. Finally, the course aims to foster students’ independent judgment with respect to the theoretical issues studied and improve their ability to communicate about the aspects they have investigated and learned.


Advances in Developmental Psychology and Social Psychology

Course unit content

Is it appropriate talking of "crisis of the family" or should we talk instead
of different ways of "being family"? The contemporary western societies
are characterized by the presence of many different types of families in
which the parental couple may not coincide with the marital couple, the
spacial borders with the affective borders, the gender roles with the
family roles. The relational processes connected to such discontinuities
will constitute the main object of study. The course will be divided in two
parts: Theoretical models for the study of families relationship and
processes; the multiplicity of families diversities.

Full programme

The course will address the following issues:

1) Theories and models for the study of families relationships and
a) The analysis of families dynamics: from the mono-dimensional models
to the multi-dimensional, socio-cultural and narrative ones.
b) The families developmental processes: from the family life cycle to the
everyday micro-transitions.

2) Families diversity
a) The multiplicity of family forms: from singular (single, divorce,
widowhood) to plural (step-families), same-sex couples and parents,
intercultural families.
b) Different forms of parenthood

3) Families' everyday life in contemporary societies
a) New families' developmental conditions: Living in different cultures, New forms of generativity, Virtual worlds and intimate relationships, New media and family communication, Living family relationships in separate contexts, Coping with disability as a family process.
b) Triadic dynamics emerging from the families-institutions relations
Triadic interaction analytical procedure TIAP.


Fruggeri, L. (1998). Famiglie. Dinamiche interpersonali e processi psico-
sociali. Roma, Carocci. (1° parte)
Fruggeri, L. (2005). Diverse normalità. Psicologia sociale delle relazioni
familiari. Roma, Carocci Editore. (I e II parte, capitoli 1,2,3,4)
Fruggeri, L. (2018) Famiglie d’oggi. Quotidianità, dinamiche e processi psicosociali. Roma, Carocci Editore (Capitoli 2,3,4,7,9)
Venturelli, E., Fruggeri, L. Cigala A. (2022), Valutazione del funzionamento familiare. La prospettiva triadica della procedura TIAP. Milano: Raffaello Cortina.

*Ulteriori indicazioni bibliografiche (anche in lingua inglese) in merito a
specifici ambiti di ricerca e intervento con le famiglie verranno suggerite
durante lo svolgimento del corso.

Teaching methods

In order to encourage the acquisition of the ability to apply this knowledge in real life, independent judgment and communication skills, the course will include frontal lessons, group work, vision and analysis of
videos, seminars with experts doing research and working with families in
different contexts.
Lectures will be held on-site in compliance with safety standards, provided that further instructions on the ongoing health emergency are not implemented. Supporting material will be available on the specific, student-reserved platform (Elly) and will include slide presentations, audio-video aids or video-recording of the lectures

Assessment methods and criteria

Examinations will be written and oral in order to assess the knowledge and skills acquired, and the students’ independent judgment, their ability to communicate and to apply those skills to reality.
The written exam will include 3 open questions. Each answer will be evaluated with a score from 1 to 10 based on the following criteria:
Content: How much in detail the topic is explained
Language. How precise is the language used to explain the constructs.
The sum of the scores will indicate the grade obtained by the student in the written exam
The students who will gain a grade equal to or higher than 18 can take the oral exam which will include two questions, each of them will be evaluated with a score from 1 to 15 based on the following criteria:
Content: How much in detail the topic is explained
Language. How precise is the language used to explain the constructs.
Reasoning. How coherent is the concatenation of the concepts presented
Dialogic competence. How students show to be able to integrate external inputs into their presentation
The sum of the scores will indicate the grade obtained by the student in the written exam
The final grade is calculated on the average of the grades obtained in the written and oral exams

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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