cod. 1005798

Academic year 2023/24
2° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Disegno (ICAR/17)
"rappresentazione dell'architettura e dell'ambiente"
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: ANALYSIS OF EXISTING ARCHITECTURE

Learning objectives

The survey is the most effective scientific tool to understand architecture in its components, be they related to the main idea, to the form, and to the techno-construction aspect.
To capture in a detailed way the works of the first architects we use the survey, it also represents a fundamental tool to elaborate restoration and conservation projects of the existing architectural heritage. Moreover, it is the starting point for all architectural projects, because they are located in a built environment, which must always be taken into account. To plan a conscious architectural intervention, it is fundamental – both ethically and culturally - to acquire knowledge of the surrounding area of the project, but not only: there are existing norms regulating the design phase which must be observed.
The course aims to provide the student with knowledge of architectural and urban survey methods, in order to be able to develop and make a survey and to represent it graphically. Taking into consideration the critical, historical, technical and operational aspects concerning the acquisition and elaboration phases.


It 's very important to be familiar with the methods of classical drawing of architecture and to have knowledge of some digital drawing programs.

Course unit content

The course is divided into two parts: a theoretical part followed by a practical one.
The classes will cover the following topics: issues of the history and the evolution of survey and representation techniques; preliminary documentation of the object in question; methods of architectural and urbanistic surveys with direct techniques and with tools using different scales up to detail surveying; theories of terrestrial photogrammetry; survey and analysis of classical and ancient architectural orders; surveys’ restitution with graphic tools and automatic tracers; issues in the geometric survey of architecture and architectural aspects.
Autonomous survey of an existing architecture dealing with selected themes which will be assigned to the groups (2-3 people) and graphic restitution in 1:50 scale on single figures in A1 format.

Full programme


Course text (choose one between these):
M. Docci, D. Maestri, Manuale di rilevamento architettonico ed urbano, Roma, Laterza, 2009.
C.Cundari, Il rilievo architettonico, Ragioni,fondamenti,appliazioni, Roma,Kappa Aracne Editrice, 2013

Reference texts on some topics:
Historic-iconographic documentation:
M. Docci (a cura di), Il disegno di progetto dalle origini al XVIII sec., Gangemi Editore, Roma 1993
C. Cundari (a cura di ), L’immagine del rilievo, Roma, Longanesi Ed., 1992
P. Giandebiaggi, I disegni dell’architettura universitaria: Parma (1600- 1940), Parma 1990

Urban survey:
Norme (UNI 7310/74)
S. Coppo, Torino nell’Ottocento e nel Novecento, Ampliamenti e trasformazioni entro la cerchia
Dei corsi napoleonici, Torino 1995
A. Baculo Giusti, Napoli in Assonometria, Napoli 1992
AA.VV., Il rilievo del Moderno: caratteri di riconoscibilità della forma urbana, Flaccovio Editore, Palermo 1996

Imitative drawing and preliminary surveys:
D. Maestri, Il disegno dal vero, in Disegnare n.8
M. Chiavoni, Il disegno dell’analisi degli organismi architettonici: l’Oratorio dei Filippini in Roma, in Disegnare n. 12
sul rilievo dell’architettura:
E. Mandelli, I Palazzi del Rinascimento, Alinea, Firenze, 1989
C. Mezzetti (a cura di), La rappresentazione dell’architettura: storia, metodi, immagini, Edizioni Kappa, Roma, 2000
G. Cento, Rilievo edilizio architettonico, Vitali e Ghianda, Genova, 1959.
rilievo fotogrammetrico:
J. P. Saint Aubin, Il rilievo e la
rappresentazione dell’architettura, Bergamo 1999.

P. Giandebiaggi, Strutturazioni geometrico-formali in un progetto neoclassico: Palazzo Corradi-Cervi a Parma, in Disegnare n.8
G. Pagnano, Modulo e proporzione nei disegni di progetto di Rosario Gagliardi, in Disegnare n.6
E. Mandelli, Le tarsie marmoree di San Miniato al Monte di Firenze, in Disegnare n.6
P. Quattrini, Sul linguaggio nascosto dell’architettura: la ricerca della Giusta Misura e la conquista della proporzione Naturale, in Disegnare n. 9/10

Drawing the classical architectural orders:
R. Migliari, Il disegno degli ordini e il rilievo dell’architettura classica, in Disegnare n.2
P.Giandebiaggi, Il disegno di un’utopia, Mattioli 1885, Fidenza, 2003
R. Chitam, Gli ordini classici in architettura, Hoepli, Milano 1998.

Teaching methods

The theoretical lectures are held in presence through the use of suitable programs for the illustration of images and for the explanation of the various methods of architectural survey. The knowledge obtained by the student will be tested through a written test.
In the practical part the students are divided into groups of three and will work on field. The architectural object of study will be chosen by mutual agreement between the students and the teaching staff and, in both the measurements and the graphical part. A tutor will be available for the students.

Assessment methods and criteria

At the end of the course the student is expected to do the final exam, which consists of the survey of the existing architecture. Here both the gained scientific knowledge and the capacity to translate the physical architecture into drawing will be evaluated.
During the survey phase, it is recommended to schedule revision sessions in order to reach a satisfying quality of work.
The final work will be handed in to the professor on the day of the exam, along with a PPW presentation of the figures (these must be completed at least two days before the exam).

Other information

It is highly recommended to attend the course. The course is structured in order to follow the Dublin’s principles of university teaching: the frontal classes aim to teach students the fundamentals of architectural survey. The practical exercises, as well as the final survey of an existing building, require the students to apply the knowledge they gained during the course.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office


Quality assurance office

Education manager:
rag. Cinzia Zilli
T. +39 0521 906433
Office E. 
Manager E. 

President of the degree course

Prof. Andrea Zerbi

Faculty advisor

Prof.ssa Lia Ferrari

Career guidance delegate

Prof.ssa Barbara Caselli

Tutor professor

Prof. Andrea Zerbi

Erasmus delegates

Prof.ssa Silvia Berselli
Prof. Carlo Gandolfi
Prof. Dario Costi
Prof.ssa Sandra Mikolajewska
Prof. Marco Maretto

Quality assurance manager

Prof.ssa Silvia Rossetti


Prof. Carlo Quintelli
Prof. Antonio Maria Tedeschi

Tutor students

William Bozzola –
Mathieu Marie De Hoe Nonnis Marzano -
Francesca Pinelli
Federica Stabile