Course unit partition: Cognomi A-L

Academic year 2022/23
1° year of course - First semester
Andrea ZERBI
Academic discipline
Disegno (ICAR/17)
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
80 hours
of face-to-face activities
8 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Course unit partition: ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide students the main contents of descriptive geometry and its application, in order to make them able to translate the geometric three-dimension models of the architecture into normatively correct representations. The course also aims to enable the students to understand the architecture through the reading of technical drawings and maps.
At the end of the course the student will be able to carry out a two-way connection between the reality and its graphical measurable model. This knowledge is essential for the understanding of space and its representation on two-dimensional support. The student will also possess the basic knowledge to master all the tools of drawing.
At the end of the course the application of the different methods of representation, made possible by the study of descriptive geometry and the practice of manual drafting, will permit the student to develop their own graphic language and its expressiveness in the specific field of architecture.
Independence of judgment
Due to the development of the skills of observation, visualization and expression of spatial forms through the mastery of drawing as a tool for reasoning and representation, at the end of the course the students will be able to identify for themselves the methods and the techniques of representation most appropriate for the communication of their work.
Communication skills
Since the representation is one of the leading forms of language for the communication of architecture, passing the exam, the students must necessarily have acquired the ability to communicate their ideas and projects through the drawing.


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Course unit content

As a discipline of architecture, the representation uses two privileged cognitive tools: the descriptive geometry, which forms the projective basis of scientific representation of the forms on the plane, and the drawing, which develops the ability to describe the spatial shapes through two-dimensional graphic images. The course is conducted through theoretical and practical lessons whose content is initially made by the themes of descriptive geometry and then, once acquired the main concepts aimed at understanding the different methods of representation, the typical themes of architectural drawing on different scales of representation.
The course is divided into two main parts and is modulated in cycles of theoretical and practical lessons with the following topics:
First part:
- Introduction to the concepts of projection and section;
- Orthogonal projection and contours plot;
- Axonometric projection;
- Perspective;
- Theory of shadows;
Second part:
- Architectural design;
- Territory design;
- Urban design;
- The drawing for the executive project.
The practical exercises relating to the first part will focus on the same topics of lectures and will be carried out through the execution of technical pencil drawings. Those relating to the second part include one or more outputs dedicated to life drawing.

Full programme

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M. Bocconcino, A. Osello, C. Vernizzi, Disegno e Geometria, collana Il Disegno e l'Ingegnere, Levrotto e Bella, Torino, 2006.
M. Bocconcino, A. Osello, C. Vernizzi, A. Zerbi, Il disegno del territorio, della città e dell'architettura: applicazioni per allievi ingegneri e architetti, collana Il Disegno e l'Ingegnere, Levrotto e Bella, Torino, 2010.
M. Docci, M. Gaiani, D. Maestri, Scienza del disegno, CittàStudi Edizioni, Novara, 2017.
Michela Rossi, Il segno e la forma – grammatica grafica per l'architettura, Quaderni per la Didattica e la Ricerca della Facoltà di Architettura, DRR 01, Mattioli 1886, Fidenza, 2006.

Teaching methods

The course will be organized in a series of lectures held both through the realization of drawings at the blackboard, both through the projection of presentations previously arranged. To allow a continuous and progressive learning of the systems of representation, parallel to the conduct of theoretical lessons, numerous individual practical exercises will be assigned. These consist in the development of graphic drawings, always corrected, whose topics will follow those of theoretical lessons themselves.
The lessons will be held in the classroom but will also be accessible on-line in the manner deemed most appropriate according to the topics addressed during the lesson. The teaching materials used during the lessons will be made available on Elly.

Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment of learning will be carried out continuously during the course, through the evaluation and control of all the material produced by the student. During the year written tests will also be assigned to verify the level of understanding of the program.
The verification will be so modulated:
Punctuality in the conduct of the individual practical exercises assigned: 5%;
Application of the methods of representation in drawings and written tests (knowledge): 50%;
Application of the techniques of representation in drawings and written tests (skills): 35%;
Autonomous choice of the modes of representation (independence of judgment): 10%.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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