Learning objectives
Traineeships are training activities aimed at acquiring additional language skills, computer skills, interpersonal skills or anyway useful for entering the world of work. As examples: acquire technical skills and be able to apply them in the daily work.
To be able to make technical-scientific reports;
To be able to work in a group, to work autonomously and to be readily integrated into the areas of work.
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Course unit content
It depends on the individual laboratory.
Full programme
It depends on the individual laboratory.
Web page:https://cdlm-bmvf.unipr.it/sites/cl23/files/regolamento_attivita_tirocinio.pdf
Teaching methods
The student's tutor is the educational, organizational and organizational reference for the student during the period of professional training in the laboratory.
Assessment methods and criteria
The tutor of the internship completes the evaluation form (https://cdlm-bmvf.unipr.it/sites/cl23/files/scheda_valutazione_attivita_tirocinio.pdf). Thereafter, the delegate to the internship verifies the skills acquired through an interview with the student.The evaluation of the training activity is converted into a grade according to the following table: Insufficient: 15; Sufficient: 18; Fairly good: 21; Good: 24; Very good: 27 Excellent: 30.
Other information
The authorization of the faculty board must be requested (https://cdlm-bmvf.unipr.it/sites/cl23/files/richiesta_autorizzazione_ccl_svolgimento_tirocinio.pdf). Scholarships for the Over World or ERASMU_ SMT program are available. Web page: https://www.unipr.it/erasmusplus_smt_out_2018_2019; https://www.unipr.it/overworld20182019.
2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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