Enrolment procedures and deadlines

The course has locally scheduled access in chronological order through selection of qualifications. Students holding a Bachelor's degree in classes L2, L13 and L/SNT03, obtained in Italy or abroad and recognised as suitable under current legislation, are admitted to the course in chronological order of enrolment until the maximum number (70 places) is reached.
Pre-registration of undergraduates is possible under the condition that the degree is acquired by 30/09 of each year /2021 with the obligation to finalise enrolment by 07/10 of each year. If the maximum number is not reached, candidates may also be admitted if they hold another degree involving biotechnology content with at least 50 ECTS credits in total (documented by the degree certificate and/or examinations taken) from the scientific disciplinary fields BIO, CHIM, FIS and VET. In this case, admission to the master's degree course is subject both to the possession of curricular requirements and to an assessment of the adequacy of personal preparation, which will be evaluated by a special committee by means of an analysis of the curriculum vitae of studies and a possible interview.
For admission to the first year of the master's degree in 'Medical, veterinary and pharmaceutical biotechnology', knowledge of English at a level of at least B1 is also required.
Admission procedures are laid down year by year by the Department Council on the proposal of the Degree Course Council, are reported in the SUA-CdS under A3b and are published in the Study Manifesto and on the Degree Course website.
Specific indications can be found:
-on the notice published on the Course of Study website https://cdlm-bmvf.unipr.it/it -on the Department's website https://mc.unipr.it/it .


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Servizio per la qualità della didattica

Manager della didattica:
Rag. Sabrina Ferrari

T. +39 0521 903109
E. servizio [didattica.dimec @unipr.it]

Presidente del corso di studio

Prof, Nicola Giuliani
E. nicola.giuliani@unipr.it

Delegato orientamento in uscita

Prof.ssa Sara Nicoli

Delegati Erasmus

Prof. Roberto Sala

E. roberto.sala@unipr.it

Referente assicurazione qualità

Prof.ssa Carlotta Compari
E. carlotta.compari@unipr.it

Tirocini formativi

Prof.ssa Laura Giovati

E. laura.giovati@unipr.it