Studying abroad

The University of Parma offers all its students various opportunities to foster the development of a real international dimension of university study. From exchanges in Europe through the Erasmus Plus Programme to extra-European mobility with the Overworld Programme and numerous pathways for acquiring a double degree.
Some study courses, in fact, thanks to the conclusion of international agreements with partner universities, provide the opportunity, at the end of the university course, to obtain a double degree with one or more associated foreign universities.


Request for validation of examinations by students returning from the Erasmus/Overworld period

Please note that students returning from Erasmus/Internship periods must submit a validation request to the Student Registry Office at Via Volturno 39 by handing in the form downloadable from this page and attaching a copy of the Learning Agreement and the Transcript of records (or of the Before Mobility and the After Mobility in the case of a Internship period). Please note that, in the case of changes to the examination programmes compared to previous years, the prior opinion of the coordinating instructor of the integrated course is required.
If ECTS credits recognition is requested for the final examination, the opinion of the thesis advisor must be attached for approval of the Learning Agreement.
For the compilation of the Learning Agreement, it should be noted that, in the event of changes to the examination programmes compared with previous years, or changes to the study programme at the Erasmus site, the prior opinion of the coordinating instructor of the integrated course is required. (please attach the form) If the recognition of ECTS credits for the final examination is requested when completing the learning agreement, the opinion of the thesis advisor must be attached.
The Learning Agreement must not exceed 30 ECTS credits (+10%) for each semester spent in Erasmus and the number of ECTS credits proposed at the Erasmus site must be congruent with the number of ECTS credits to be recognised at the Parma site.
Please note that students returning from the Erasmus/Internship period must submit a request for validation to the Student Registry Office at Via Volturno 39 by handing in the form downloadable from this page and attaching a copy of the Learning Agreement and the Transcript of records (or of the Before Mobility and the After Mobility in the case of a Internhip period).

Important communication for international exchange students

Upon completion of the Erasmus programme, students are required to submit a request for recognition of the activities carried out to the Medical Student Registry Office together with a copy of the LA and any amendments.
Applications must be submitted during the periods:
1-15 July (internationalisation committee deliberation will take place by 30 July) 1-15 October (internationalisation committee deliberation will take place by 30 October) 8-15 January (internationalisation committee deliberation will take place by 30 January) 1-15 April (internationalisation committee deliberation will take place by 30 April)
Please note that currently, for administrative reasons, training activities can only be completed at the University of Parma. It is therefore not possible to include completion training activities in subsequent Learning Agreements.
IMPORTANT No training activities may be recognised if they do not comply with the propaedeuticity.


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Servizio per la qualità della didattica

Manager della didattica:
Rag. Sabrina Ferrari

T. +39 0521 903109
E. servizio [didattica.dimec]

Presidente del corso di studio

Prof, Nicola Giuliani

Delegato orientamento in uscita

Prof.ssa Sara Nicoli

Delegati Erasmus

Prof. Roberto Sala


Referente assicurazione qualità

Prof.ssa Carlotta Compari

Tirocini formativi

Prof.ssa Laura Giovati
