Student tutors
The CCLM organises tutoring as an institutional and integral task of the instructors' teaching activities in order to guide and assist students throughout their studies. Each student has the opportunity to choose from among the CLM instructors a tutor who will assist him/her throughout his/her university career up to the independent choice of thesis advisor. If the student does not avail himself of the option, the CSO organises tutoring and guidance through a Tutoring and Guidance Commission consisting of a group of tutors and student tutors.
Tutoring is aimed at guiding and assisting students throughout their studies, making them active participants in their training, removing any obstacles to successful course attendance, including through initiatives tailored to the needs and aptitudes of individuals.
Toll-free number
800 904 084Servizio per la qualità della didattica
Manager della didattica:Rag. Sabrina Ferrari
T. +39 0521 903109
E. servizio [didattica.dimec]