cod. 1009350

Academic year 2023/24
3° year of course - First semester
Alberto GRANDI
Academic discipline
Storia economica (SECS-P/12)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
48 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The student will learn and understand deeply the economic, social, institutional, political and cultural processes that drive to European Union economy foundation.
b) Ability to use knowledge and comprehension
The student will use the studied issues to understand the complexity of the current relations between National States and UE.
c) Judgment autonomy
The student will be able to evaluate critically the economic, political and social events that take place within the European space.
d) Communicative skills
The student will get a conceptual property on the issue of Europe essential for the education and the communication of a triennial student in Economics.
e) Ability to learn
The student will try out a “traditional” didactic method founded on frontal lessons. However will be realized deepening thinking seminars.



Course unit content

The course analyses the long-run process of European integration, both in the eyes of politics and culture and economic. The first part will highlight the slow growth of the idea of European unity dwelling on pushes and hostilities met in the course of centuries. The second part will analyze the construction – after World War II – of the European institutions, and the opportunities given to the continental economies to growth, expand and integrate.

Full programme

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H. Mikkeli, Europa. Storia di un’idea e di un’identità, Bologna, il Mulino, 2002. B. Olivi e R. Santaniello, Storia dell’integrazione europea, Bologna, il Mulino, 2010.

Teaching methods

The slides, which are not an integral part of the bibliography, will be uploaded to the Elly platform at the beginning of the course.
The videorecorded summaries of the lessons will be available until the beginning of the second semester

Assessment methods and criteria

Written test
a) The knowledge and comprehension abilities will be check by 2 open-ended questions. These questions will be organized in: (i) a general part of 15 points worth and (ii) a part relating to the case-studies of 15 points worth.
b) The ability to implement knowledge will be check by the analysis of the answers concerning the case-studies of the 2 open-ended questions.
c) The judgment autonomy and the learning ability will be check by the analysis of the general part of the 2 open-ended questions.
d) The ability to communicate with a technical and right language will be check verifying the vocabulary used in the written answers and the tendency to clarify the meaning of the technical words used.
During the text it is not possible to use any electronic device such as a smartphone, tablet, etc.
The final mark will be 30 cum laude when all the parts of the exam are excellent for completeness, clarity, brightness, vividness and organization of the answers, capacity of multidisciplinary connections.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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