Learning objectives
Knowledge and Understanding
At the end of the course the student will have acquired a thorough knowledge of the issues related to the analysis of the consumer and the consequent marketing decisions, with particular reference to the following topics:
- contributions from consumer analysis to the marketing decision-making process.
- Purchasing and consumption processes
- Consumer decisions and typical cognitive traps
- - The decisions of companies in terms of product, price and communication.
Skills and understanding skills applied
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
- analyze the motivating, perceptive and evaluative system of the consumer;
- measure the value for the consumer;
- define the product, pricing and communication strategies according to the consumer's cognitive system.
Independence of judgment
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
- evaluate the company's positioning in the consumer's cognitive system and identify the areas of strengthening the value proposition;
- be able to identify and recognize the differences in the marketing strategies of companies and in decisions regarding product, price and communication;
- to suggest to the management of companies the most effective marketing actions towards the consumer, taking into account its evaluation and perceptive system.
Communication Skills
Through lectures managed in an interactive manner, managerial testimonies and group work, the student will be able to:
- clearly, punctually and consistently transfer information and concepts (including complex ones) relating to marketing;
- communicate effectively using an appropriate language ;
- manage the contents and times of a company presentation correctly.
Learning skills
At the end of the course the students will have acquired the ability to expand, update and deepen the level and variety of knowledge acquired in the classroom. More specifically, the development of these skills will lead students to adopt an approach of constant intellectual curiosity and continuous updating (even autonomously) of the information and data useful for addressing the issues of channel management in a scenario of continuous evolution. This capacity for self-learning will be consolidated during individual and collective study periods aimed at both the preparation of the lessons and the preparation of the final exam and group work.
Course unit content
The economic and competitive success of any business is based on the ability to understand the consumer, his needs, his decision path, the determinants of his satisfaction. This capacity is made even more important by the evolution and the demand-supply ratio triggered by digital technologies and environments. The course aims to provide students with the fundamental tools to increase the customer centricity of the company through a correct management of the cycle that connects the value for the consumer to the value for the stakeholders.
The course is ideally structured in two parts.
The first part is dedicated to clarifying the centrality of the consumer for all marketing decisions and to analyze the consumer decision path (customer journey), with the aim of understanding the dynamics underlying the formation of value perceptions related to products.
The second part is dedicated to the analysis of consumer behavior from the perspective of neuroscience. Through the scientific foundations of neuroscience, we will try to fully understand the mechanisms underlying consumption and purchase choices in order to draw useful information for determining more effective marketing choices.
DALLI D., ROMANI S. (2011), Il comportamento del consumatore, Franco Angeli (esclusi cap. 8 e 9)
B. BUSACCA, C. CHIZZOLI (a cura di), Le decisioni del consumatore. Valore percepito e soddisfazione, Milano, Egea, 2014 (solo Cap. 1)
Attending students will replace part of the books with the material discussed during the course. More information will be provided during lessons.
Full programme
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BELLINI S. (2023), (Sweet) Marketing for Conscious Shopping", EGEA.
B. BUSACCA, C. CHIZZOLI (a cura di), Le decisioni del consumatore. Valore percepito e soddisfazione, Milano, Egea, 2014 (solo Cap. 1)
Attending students will replace part of the books with the material discussed during the course. More information will be provided during lessons.
Teaching methods
The course will combined different teaching tools: lectures, exercises, group work, discussion of case studies and business testimonials.
The slides used to support lectures will be loaded weekly on the Elly platform.
To download the slides, students need to enroll in the online course.
Assessment methods and criteria
The learning will be verified through a written test articulated on three open-ended questions.
Each question weighs 10 points. Two questions aim to verify the acquired knowledge and the ability to understand. The third application, of an applicative nature, aims to verify the ability to apply the knowledge, the autonomy of judgment and the ability to learn. The ability to communicate with an appropriate technical language will be ascertained by evaluating the correct use of technical expressions / terms in the context of the answers to the three questions.
The duration of the final written exam is 60 minutes. The final written test is evaluated on a scale of 0-30. The praise is assigned in the case of reaching the maximum score on each question to which is added the full mastery of the disciplinary lexicon.
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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